What Are The Dos And Don’ts Of Networking On Social Media In Nigeria?

  • Reading time:8 mins read

As business owners in Nigeria, you know how important it is to have a strong network. In this modern world, social media is a crucial way to connect with other people. It lets you connect with possible customers, business partners, and people in your field. But to make the most of these chances, knowing the dos and don’ts of networking on social media in Nigeria is essential. You can use social media to grow your business and improve your professional relationships if you follow best practices and avoid common mistakes. This post will show you the most important dos and don’ts of networking on social media. This will help you get around in the digital world.

Dos And Don'ts Of Networking On Social Media

The do’s of networking on social media

  • Be yourself: Being genuine is one of the most important things you can do when networking on social media. People you know value openness and honesty. Talk about your real thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Being honest helps people trust each other and form genuine relationships. Acting like someone you’re not is not a good idea because it could hurt your image.
  • Get involved regularly: To use social media to network effectively, you must be active regularly. It should become a habit to post updates, comment on other people’s posts, and answer messages. By interacting with your network regularly, you stay visible and valuable. This reveals that you are busy and eager to meet new people. It is time to check your social media accounts and talk to people about them.
  • G every day something of value: Giving something of value is another essential part of the dos and don’ts of networking on social media. Share content that your audience will find valuable and crucial. You might find news, insights, tips, or resources about the industry. People are more likely to interact with you and see you as an expert in your field if you give them something of value. Always aim to contribute positively to your network.
  • Personalize connections: If you want to connect with someone new, make sure your message is unique. Mention how you know them and why you want to connect or reference a common interest. Personalised messages show that you have put thought into the link, making it more likely for the person to accept your request. Generic texts can come off as impersonal and unprofessional, so stay away from them.
  • Join groups that are needed: You can make your networking much more effective by joining relevant groups on social media sites. Involve yourself in groups that deal with your field of work or hobbies. Engage in discussions, share your knowledge, and connect with group members. These groups can be a rich source of new connections and possibilities.

By following these best practices in the dos and don’ts of networking on social media, you can build a robust and supportive network that can help you achieve your business goals in Nigeria.

The don’ts of networking on social media

  • Avoid spamming: A critical point in the dos and don’ts of networking on social media is to avoid bullying. Refrain from sending unsolicited messages or bombarding your network with advertising content. This behaviour can annoy your friends and even lead to them unfollowing or blocking you. Instead, focus on sharing valuable content and engaging genuinely.
  • Keep things the same: Being consistent can make it easier for you to network. Avoid long periods of inactivity on your social media sites. Being inconsistent makes you less noticeable and can cause you to miss out on opportunities. Plan out when you will be on social media and stick to it. Interacting with people regularly helps you stay visible and keeps your contacts interested. 
  • Don’t focus too much on yourself: You should market yourself and your business, but don’t make it all about you. Find a balance between promoting yourself and reading other people’s work. You can like, comment on, and share posts from people you know. Show genuine interest in their successes and updates. A crucial part of networking well is building relationships that work both ways.
  • Follow proper manners: Being professional and polite is essential when networking on social media. Always be courteous and respectful when talking to other people. Pay close attention to national rules and customs, especially in Nigeria, which has many different kinds of people. If you don’t follow social media rules, it can hurt your relationships and image.
  • Stay away from bad people: Fights and bad discussions on social media. Having harmful interactions with other people can hurt your professional picture. Instead, make sure that all of your interactions are positive and helpful. If someone is mean to you, deal with it calmly and adequately. You aim to create a network of people who will help and support you.

If you know and don’t do these things when networking on social media, you can avoid common problems and build more robust and better online relationships. This approach will help you network better and make your business in Nigeria more successful.

Leverage platforms for networking

Dos And Don'ts Of Networking On Social Media

  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a great place to connect with other professionals. Ensure your profile is complete and current, showing off your skills, experience, and accomplishments so you can get the most out of it. Get in touch with people who work in the same field, join essential groups, and participate in discussions. Share interesting material and respond to other people’s posts. When networking on social media, remember the dos and don’ts: be professional, give value, and don’t send too many unwanted messages to contacts.
  • Twitter: Twitter is a great way to connect with influential people and stay current on business trends. To get more attention, follow accounts related to yours, join Twitter chats, and use hashtags specific to your business. Share current and exciting content and join talks by replying, retweeting, and liking posts. When networking on social media, remember the dos and don’ts: be consistent, avoid negative interactions, and give your fans real value.
  • Facebook: Through groups and pages, Facebook gives you a lot of chances to meet new people. Join groups connected to your business and participate in the conversations. Share interesting and helpful information and respond to other group users’ posts. You can reach more people by making an official page for your business. Remember the dos and don’ts of social media networking: don’t spam groups with promotional content, treat others with care, and act professionally.
  • Instagram: Instagram is great for sharing stories visually and connecting with creative people. Send high-quality pictures and videos showing your business, goods, or services. Use relevant hashtags to get more people to see your posts, and interact with your fans by answering their comments and messages. Work with people who have a lot of power to reach more people. If you want to network on social media, follow these rules: be accurate in your posts, don’t be too self-centred, and naturally interact with your audience.

Using these platforms can improve your networking and make solid and valuable connections. If you want to make the most of your networking opportunities in Nigeria, follow these dos and don’ts when you’re on social media.

Read Also. 6 Ways to Create An Effective Employee Referral Program In Nigeria


Any Nigerian business owner who wants to grow their business and spread their professional network needs to know the dos and don’ts of networking on social media. You can make connections that are important and good for your business by being yourself, interacting regularly, giving value, and avoiding negative interactions.

As you use these tactics, you should add your business to our online directory of companies. This will help people find you and put you in touch with possible partners and clients. Take advantage of our tool to improve your social networking efforts. Take advantage of this chance. Today is the day to add your business to our list and take the next step towards success.