How Do I Overcome Shyness When Networking In Nigeria?

  • Reading time:6 mins read

If you want to be successful in business, you need to build professional ties. The problem of shyness, on the other hand, could be scary for many people. If you read this post, you will learn how to overcome shyness when networking, which will help you make real connections and take advantage of opportunities in Nigeria’s fast-paced business world. We should start this trip together.

Get to know your shyness.

Occasionally, you might feel shy with others, especially when seeking business connections. This disease could show up as anxiety, self-consciousness, or a desire not to interact with other people.

Overcome Shyness When Networking

To deal with the effects of shyness, it is a normal feeling many people have. Learning about where shyness comes from and realising that it’s normal to feel shy are the first steps you can take to get over it and do well at networking events. Let’s talk about how to overcome shyness when networking so we can all deal with this problem more quickly.

Build your confidence 

The best way to get over being shy when networking is to work on building your confidence. Initially, give yourself small goals you can reach. You could try to start a conversation with one person at an event. Encourage yourself to have good conversations with yourself and keep in mind what you’ve done well.

Dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself and shows that you are sure of yourself. Also, make sure your balance is good. It can also help to plan conversation topics or questions ahead of time to ease any stress that might be there. Because you are consistently working on it, your confidence will grow over time, and you will feel more at ease when networking.

Get ready for the event mentally and physically.

People who are shy need to overcome their shyness when networking and be mentally and physically ready. You should tell yourself that you can connect with others and picture yourself having good networking conversations. Try deep breathing or mindfulness methods to calm down if you’re anxious. Ensure you get enough rest and drink enough water before networking events.

Don’t just wear clothes that make you feel good; wear business-like and relaxed clothes. Also, get there early so you can get used to the place and practise your introductions or topics of conversation in your head before you meet the crowd. When networking, you will feel more capable and sure of yourself because you have been mentally and physically ready.

Preparing yourself mentally and physically is essential to overcome your shyness regarding networking. You should tell yourself that you can connect with others and picture yourself having good networking conversations. Try deep breathing or mindfulness methods to calm down if you’re anxious. Ensure you get enough rest and drink enough water before networking events. Don’t just wear clothes that make you feel good; wear business-like and relaxed clothes. Also, get there early so you can get used to the place and practise your introductions or topics of conversation in your head before you meet the crowd. When networking, you will feel more capable and sure of yourself because you have been mentally and physically ready.

Get better at networking skills.

Focusing on improving your networking skills is an excellent way to overcome your shyness. It’s good to improve your active listening, asking questions with open-ended answers, and having deep conversations with other people. Do little things to start talks, like meeting one new person at each event and saying hello.

overcome shyness when networking

This will help you get going. Remember that two of the best ways to show that you are confident and easy to talk to are to smile and make eye contact. Also, you should be genuine and honest with others when you speak to them. Genuineness is a trait that people are more likely to approve of. By constantly practising and putting in the work, you will eventually become more comfortable and good at networking, which will help you get over your shyness and make connections that will help you.

Look for some help and direction.

If you are trying to overcome your shyness when networking, don’t be afraid to ask for help and advice. Put yourself in touch with supportive and helpful peers or teachers who can help you and give you advice. Going to networking events with friends or coworkers can also help you feel better and give you mental support.

It is helpful to join communities or networking groups to meet people who share your hobbies and are going through the same problems as you. Another essential thing to remember is that professional development tools like workshops, publications, or online courses focusing on building networking skills and confidence are handy. By asking for help and support, you can get helpful information and encouragement that will help you get over your shyness and do well in situations like networking.

How to Get Past Problems

You may encounter problems as you try to overcome your shyness when networking. However, these problems are not permanent. Take failures as chances to learn and grow, and use them to your benefit. Think about the things that make you shy and devise a way to handle them. You should keep pushing yourself to leave your comfort zone little by little. Enjoy what you’ve done, even if it’s unnecessary, and be proud of your progress. You should have a group of people there for you, like friends, family, or teachers, who can support and encourage you when things are tough. Remember that mistakes are only short-term problems that stand in the way of building your confidence and networking success.

If you want your business to grow, you must overcome your shyness and join networking events in Nigeria. If you use the tips in this piece, you should be able to interact with other people quickly and grow your professional network. 

Read Also. How can I use social media to drive sales in Nigeria?


Don’t let your shyness stop you from growing your business. By adding your business to our list right now, you can find new opportunities for growth and success. Sign up right away, and then you can start networking confidently!