How do I Onboard New Hires Effectively in Nigeria?

  • Reading time:29 mins read

Any business person needs to know how to onboard new hires effectively in Nigeria?, but it’s essential in Nigeria, where different cultures and unique problems can make the process more difficult. As a business owner, you know how you welcome new employees can affect how they work for the rest of their time with you. When done right, it makes new workers feel welcome and appreciated and makes them more productive and likely to stay with the company.

This article will discuss how to effectively onboard new hires in Nigeria so that they have a smooth start and a good experience with the company. We’ll discuss why a structured onboarding process is essential, the steps needed, and how to make your method work in the Nigerian business world. Whether your business is new or has been around for a while, these tips will help you make the hiring process smooth and helpful.

How does the onboarding process work?

To onboard new hires effectively in Nigeria and up to speed, you must know the hiring process and why it’s essential. Onboarding is more than just orientation. It’s an ongoing process that helps new workers fit in with the culture of your business and gives them the skills and information they need to do well in their jobs.

onboard new hires effectively in Nigeria

Start with pre-boarding first. Everything that occurs before the new employee’s first day is part of this phase. Send them a welcome email with critical business information and a list of things they can expect in their first week. This immediately makes new employees feel valuable and calms their nerves about their first day.

Next, pay attention to the first day and the first week. This time is significant for setting goals and giving the needed training. Ensure their workspace is ready and stocked, and then show them to their coworkers. A structured schedule for the first week, with meetings with key team members and first training classes, can help new employees feel supported and up-to-date.

As part of the onboarding process, you should also give them a clear overview of your company’s purpose, values, and culture. This helps new workers see how their jobs fit into the bigger picture and how they help the company reach its goals. Telling them about the company’s successes and problems can also make them feel like they’re part of the team.

Support and comments are also critical. For the first few months, often check in with new hires to answer questions or address any worries. This shows that you care about their progress and are ready to help them find their way in the new world.

To effectively bring new employees on board, ensure your training programme considers the specifics of doing business in Nigeria. To make the onboarding process more effective and relatable, consider regional differences, language preferences, and how business is done in the area. By knowing and implementing these elements, you can ensure that the transition goes smoothly and that your employees are more engaged and productive.

Pre-onboarding preparation

Preparation is critical to onboarding new hires effectively—the onboarding process for new employees. Pre-onboarding is everything you do before a new employee starts to make sure they feel welcome and informed. This first step sets the tone for their whole time at your company and makes it easier for them to get used to their new job.

Make the first text a welcome one. This email should be happy for them to be coming, give them important information about their first day, and include any forms they need to fill out ahead of time. Giving them clear, friendly contact right away can ease any stress they may be feeling and make them feel like they are essential.

Next, make sure you have all the papers you need ready. This includes any papers they must sign, like tax forms, job contracts, etc. By taking care of these things, you can save time on their first day and let them focus on getting settled.

Get their work area ready. You should ensure their desk has everything they need, like a computer, phone, and other tools. Having everything prepared for them shows you are well-organized and care about their comfort and work.

Make an onboarding plan. Write down what they will do in their first week, such as meeting with key team members, getting some basic training, and seeing the office. Giving them a clear plan lets them know what to expect and starts the process of getting to know each other and their job.

Introduce them to the team ahead of time. You can send the current team an email with a short introduction of the new hire that talks about their background and what part they will be playing. This makes them feel welcome and helps the people working there prepare for them.

Lastly, let them use company tools. Give them the login information for any software they need, the employee handbook, and any other materials they may need. They will be ready to go when you teach them how to use these tools before they start.

These pre-onboarding steps will help you effectively recruit new employees and make their start at your company as smooth and friendly as possible. This planning shows that you want them to succeed and gives them the confidence and direction they need to start their journey.

Make a thorough plan for onboarding

Preparation must be considered when it comes to effectively onboarding new hires. You need to make a detailed training plan. This plan is a road map for you and the new employee, ensuring they have an easy and planned start at your company.

First, write down the goals of your training process. Make it clear what you want to receive by the end of the onboarding period. One goal could be getting the new employee to know their job, the company culture, and critical team members. These goals will help you see how well your training process is going and ensure that you cover everything that needs to be covered.

Split the training plan into manageable steps. A typical list of these stages would be the first day, the first week, the first month, and the first three months. Each step should have straightforward tasks and goals to keep the new employee interested and moving forward.

Make the new employee feel welcome on the first day. Begin with a friendly hello and a tour of the office. Introduce them to the people on their immediate team and give them a guide or buddy to help them get used to things. A helpful and friendly first day sets a good tone for their time at your company.

During the first week, give them the knowledge and tools they need. This includes a summary of the business’s history, purpose, and values and an outline of its most essential rules and guidelines. Meet with people from different areas to help the new employee see how their job fits into the bigger picture.

In the first month, give them more training and include them in already underway projects. Give them more in-depth training on the tools and methods specific to their job. Get them involved in project discussions and team meetings so they can start helping and feel like they’re part of the team.

Over the next three months, focus on ongoing help and growth. Set up regular check-ins to discuss progress, address worries, and give feedback. Tell them to set goals for themselves and determine what they need more help with or training in.

Write down the process of hiring. A written plan ensures that everything stays the same and gives future employees something to look at. In addition, it lets you make changes based on what new workers say.

Finally, get feedback from the new employees while they are being trained. This feedback is constructive for figuring out what’s working well and what might need to be changed. It shows you care about what they say and want to improve their experience.

By making a detailed training plan, you can be sure that new employees are adequately trained. This structured method makes it easier for new employees to fit in and shows that you care about their success and happiness at work.

Welcome new hires

To effectively onboard new hires, how you welcome them sets the tone for their entire experience at your company. If you greet new employees with a smile and a lot of care, they’ll feel like they’re part of the team right away.

onboard new hires effectively in Nigeria

Send them a personalised welcome email before their first day. This email should have essential details like the start date, the time they should arrive, what they should wear, and a plan for their first day. Include a nice note telling them you are happy they have joined the team. This small act shows you care about how they start working for the company.

Be friendly to them when they come in on their first day. Someone should be at the door to greet them and show them around the office. A friendly face can make people feel better on their first day and give them a good image.

Show them around the office, including essential places like their desks, the break rooms, the bathrooms, and the emergency exits. Meet the team’s influential people and those they will work closely with. Introducing people in person is a great way to break the ice and get to know each other.

Give them a welcome kit. This can include things with the company’s name on them, like a notebook, pen, coffee mug, and a detailed staff handbook. A personalised note from the CEO or their direct boss can make it extra special. The welcome kit is practical and an excellent way to show your thanks.

Plan a coffee or lunch break for the team. This casual setting makes it easy for new employees to get to know their coworkers. It helps them get along with each other and quickly feel like they’re part of the team.

Choose a guide or a friend. Putting new employees with an experienced worker can give them someone to talk to about any problems or questions. This guide can help them get used to the company culture, learn what is expected of them on the job, and get through the first few days.

Make sure their work area is ready. Before getting there, ensure their desk has all the tools, materials, and access to essential software and systems they will need. A well-organized area lets them know that you’ve thought about what they might need and are ready for them to contribute.

Hold a meeting to welcome people. Hold a short meeting on the first day to officially welcome the new employees, review the onboarding plan, and answer any questions immediately. Important company rules and policies can also be discussed at this meeting, ensuring everyone knows what to expect immediately.

Giving new employees a careful and well-organized welcome sets the stage for a smooth onboarding process. These first steps will help your new employees feel valued, supported, and ready to start their journey with your business.

Training and development

Providing comprehensive training and development is crucial for effectively onboarding new hires. This gives new workers the skills and information they need and makes them feel more like they belong right away.

  • Organised training programme: Organised training programmes that cover all the essential parts of their jobs. This should include training specific to the job and an overview of the company’s rules, policies, and attitude. A well-planned training schedule lets new employees know what to expect and ensures they get the same knowledge every time.
  • Mix your training methods: Use various methods to accommodate different learning styles. Examples are in-person training, online classes, interactive workshops, and hands-on practice. Using all of these methods together makes the training enjoyable and valuable.
  • Give a mentor to help: When you hire someone new, put them in touch with an experienced coworker or mentor who can help them get started in their new job. This mentor should be prepared to help, answer questions, and give comments. Having someone they can talk to makes the new employee feel more at ease.
  • Give regular feedback: Regular feedback is essential for getting new employees up to speed. Set up regular check-ins to discuss their progress, address any worries, and give them helpful comments. This helps new workers stay on track and feel they have help as they get used to their new job.
  • Encourage continuous learning: Spread a mindset of learning and growing constantly. Give people the chance to learn more and grow professionally by holding classes, seminars, and online courses. New employees should be told to use these tools to improve their skills and move up in their jobs.
  • Set clear goals and expectations: Make sure they understand what you want and expect from them during the training time. This helps new employees know what to do and how their work helps the business succeed. Making clear goals also gives them a way to measure their growth.
  • Encourage working together: new employees work with their coworkers while being trained to create a collaborative learning environment. Examples are group projects, team-building activities, and meetings where people share their knowledge. A joint space encourages teamwork and makes it easier for new employees to get to know their coworkers.
  • Use technology to make training better: Use technology to make training better. To make training choices that are flexible and easy to get to, use online learning platforms, interactive software, and virtual training sessions. Technology can also help track success and ensure the training programme is always the same.
  • Check and Improve the training programme: Talk to new employees and their teachers about your training programme regularly to see how well it’s working. Use this feedback to make the changes and improvements that are needed. By improving it constantly, the training programme stays valuable and current.

Integrate new hires into the teams.

To properly train new employees, you must ensure they fit in with the rest of the team immediately. Making them feel welcome, valued, and a part of the company culture is part of this process, not just teaching them their job tasks.

onboard new hires effectively in Nigeria

  • Create a friendly environment: Let everyone on the team know the new employee has arrived. Encourage people on the team to say hello and offer to help. A pleasant workplace makes new employees feel at ease and lowers the stress of starting a new job.
  • Plan social events: Think of casual get-togethers or team-building activities that will help new employees get to know each other in a casual setting. Social events, like team lunches or after-work activities, can help people get to know each other better and build stronger relationships.
  • Create an onboarding buddy system: As part of your onboarding process, pair new employees with a “buddy” from their team. This person can help the new employee get through their first few days by answering their everyday questions, giving them information about how the team works, and providing support. This buddy system can make the onboarding process much better and help new employees feel more linked.
  • Open communication: Ensure new employees feel free to ask questions and share their thoughts by encouraging an open communication atmosphere. Make sure that managers and team members are quick and easy to reach. New employees can learn their jobs faster and better if they talk to everyone around them.
  • Offer team orientation: Plan a workshop for new employees to learn about the team’s projects, goals, and how things work. The team’s attitude and values should also be discussed during this orientation. This will help new employees fit in with the team’s work and make exemplary contributions.
  • Set up regular check-ins: Have new hires and their bosses meet regularly to discuss progress, address concerns, and give feedback. These meetings help find problems early on and ensure that new employees feel encouraged as they become part of the team.
  • Encourage participation in team meetings: New hires should be included from the start to get them to participate in team talks. This helps them understand the current projects and goals and allows them to share their thoughts. Active involvement makes people feel like they belong and gets them involved.
  • Celebrate milestones: Honour and enjoy the new employee’s important moments, like finishing their first project or their first month on the job. Celebrating these wins can boost their mood and help make the integration process go more smoothly.
  • Offer help and resources: Ensure that new employees can access the help and resources they need to do well. This means giving them the tools, knowledge, and training they may need to do their jobs well.
  • Encourage peer recognition: Make it a habit for team members to notice and respect what each other does. Get your coworkers to see the hard work and accomplishments of new employees. Peer recognition can make you feel like you fit and boost your confidence in a big way.

Feedback evaluation

Continuous feedback and review are essential to onboard new hires effectively. This process ensures new workers feel supported, know how they’re doing, and can make changes to meet expectations. Here’s how to set up a feedback and evaluation method that works:

  • Check in often: Ensure new hires and their managers have regular one-on-one talks. These check-ins allow them to discuss their experiences, answer questions, and deal with problems. Regular communication helps find issues early and will enable people to get help over time.
  • Give specific, helpful feedback: When you give feedback, be clear and valuable. Discuss what the new employee is doing and what they could do better. New employees should be able to see and act on constructive feedback that tells them precisely what they need to do to get better.
  • Be clear about what you expect: Make sure that new employees know their duties. Setting clear standards from the start helps them understand what is expected of them and lets you give them a fair grade on their work. Setting clear goals and targets is the best way to ensure success.
  • Use an organised evaluation process: To judge the work of new employees, use an organised evaluation process. In this case, there might be official reviews of work at the end of the first, third, and sixth months. A structured method makes sure that all new employees are evaluated in the same way and in a fair way.
  • Encourage self-evaluation: Have new employees rate their work. Self-evaluation helps you think about yourself and become more self-aware. It also lets you know how new employees feel about their growth and any problems.
  • Offer ongoing training and development: Give people more chances to learn and grow based on their comments and evaluations. Learning new things shows that you care about your employees’ growth and helps them get the skills they need to do well.
  • Celebrate accomplishments: Let new hires know you notice and celebrate their significant steps forward and successes. Morale and drive go up when you give positive feedback. Celebrating wins, no matter how small can help new employees feel critical and thought of.
  • Create a culture of open input. Help people feel like they can give and receive input. Ask new employees to provide comments on the onboarding process and their overall experience. This can give you helpful information about how to improve the hiring process.
  • Record progress and feedback: For each new hire, keep careful records of the feedback and ratings. Documentation helps them keep track of their growth over time and can be used as a guide for future reviews of their work. It also makes sure that feedback is regular and complete.
  • Change the onboarding process as needed: Use what new employees say to improve your hiring process constantly. You can improve your hiring process by figuring out new employees’ problems or where they need more help.

Addressing specific challenges in onboarding new hires

In Nigeria, it’s essential to deal with the unique problems businesses may face when hiring new employees. If you face these problems head-on, you can make the hiring process go more smoothly and ensure new employees feel welcome and ready to work. It’s essential to know how to deal with the following problems:

  1. Having different cultural backgrounds: Nigeria is a varied country with many linguistic groups, cultural practices, and ethnic groups. The fact that they are different can be a strength, but it can also make the hiring process harder. To successfully bring new employees on board:
  • Encourage inclusion: Create a workplace where people of all backgrounds are welcomed and valued. Encourage your workers to talk about the customs and practices that are important to them.
  • Language help: Provide language help or training if needed. This could include language lessons or services that translate necessary materials for new employees.
  • Cultural sensitivity training: Ensure that all of your workers receive cultural sensitivity training. This way, staff members and new hires can learn about and respect each other’s experiences.
  1. Problems with technology: Access to technology and fast internet can differ significantly in Nigeria. This could change the onboarding process, mainly if online meetings or training courses exist.
  • Check for technological needs: Ensure that new employees can access the technology they need and connect to the Internet. Provide people with the tools or help they need to establish a reliable internet connection.
  • Flexible onboarding options: Offer online and offline onboarding tools to give customers a choice. This ensures that all new employees, no matter how tech-savvy they are, can fully join the onboarding process.
  • Tech support: Give new employees regular technical support to help them with tech problems.
  1. Transportation and getting to work: New employees may find it hard to get to work because of bad traffic and unreliable public transport, especially in significant areas like Lagos and Abuja.
  • Flexible work arrangements: If travelling is a problem for you, you might want to offer flexible work hours or the chance to work from home. This can reduce stress and increase productivity.
  • Transportation help: If you can, offer new hires transportation help, like shuttle services or money to pay for their rides, to make their journey easier.
  • Location-based answers: Know what transport problems are happening in your area and make your answers fit those problems.
  1. How to get through bureaucratic processes: In Nigeria, administrative and bureaucratic processes can be hard to understand and take a lot of time. This could slow down the hiring process.
  2. Streamline paperwork: Simplify the paperwork needed for onboarding. Digitise forms and sign them electronically to speed up the process.
  3. Pre-onboarding preparation: Before the new employee starts, do the secretarial work that needs to be done. This includes getting the papers you need and doing background checks.
  4. Local knowledge: Hire HR workers in your area who know how the bureaucracy works. They can help you get through the complicated parts of the hiring process faster.
  1. Economies instability: Economic changes can make businesses less stable and make new employees less sure about their job security.
  • Clear communication: Be open and honest about the company’s finances and plans for the future. This will help new employees accept and believe in each other.
  • Offer new employees financial planning and support services to help them deal with any economic uncertainty. This can mean having access to emergency cash or financial advisors.
  • Focus on growth: Talk about how the company wants to grow and how new employees will be very important to reaching these goals. This can give you a sense of security and direction.

Leveraging technology for onboarding

To onboard new hires effectively, leveraging technology can significantly enhance the onboarding process. Implementing technology can greatly improve the speed of bringing new employees up to speed. Using up-to-date platforms and tools speeds up the process and ensures new employees feel involved and encouraged right away. Here are some excellent ways to use technology to get new employees up to speed:

  1. Online portals for onboarding:
    Online onboarding sites make it easy to do all the things needed for onboarding in one place. You can store important documents, training materials, and business information in these portals.
  • Centralised information: All the information new employees need is in one place, making things easier and ensuring they have everything they need.
  • Interactive modules: Use interactive training modules and quizzes to make learning more fun and functional.
  • Tracking progress: Let managers and new hires monitor how training tasks will ensure everything gets noticed.
  1. Virtual training and getting started:
    Video conferencing tools can be used to hold virtual orientations and training classes.
  • Flexible scheduling: New hires can attend virtual classes from anywhere, which is especially helpful for people who work from home.
  • Interactive sessions: Hold Q&As, interactive sessions, and virtual walks of the company through video calls.
  • Recorded sessions: Trainers should record sessions so new employees can watch them again at their own pace if needed.
  1. Tools for e-signing:
    E-signature tools make it easier to sign and send off essential papers.
  • Efficiency: E-signatures eliminate the need for written documents, which speeds up the onboarding process.
  • Accessibility: New employees can sign papers quickly because they can do it anywhere.
  • Security: These tools make sure that signed papers are safe and accurate.
  1. Platforms for working together:
    Collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Trello make it easier for team members to talk to each other and work together.
  • Communication lines: Provide new employees with special communication lines so they can ask questions and get help from their team.
  • Project management: These tools can be used to keep everyone on the same page by assigning and managing tasks related to onboarding.
  • Team integration: New employees should be encouraged to participate in team events and discussions. This will help them fit in with the rest of the company.
  1. Utilising mobile apps:
    Mobile apps can make the training process more accessible and fun.
  • Access on the go: New employees can do onboarding chores and look at information on their phones, which makes the process more flexible.
  • Push notifications: Push notifications will be used to send notes and updates to new hires that will help them stay on track.
  • Interactive features: Add robots or other interactive features to your mobile apps to help people with common questions.
  1. LMS, or learning management systems
    An LMS can speed up training by giving structured tools and learning paths.
  • Structured training: Make complete training plans with clear learning goals and checkpoints.
  • Checking on progress: Ensure that new employees follow the training classes and perform the tasks that are asked of them.
  • Assessments: Include tests and ways for people to comment on how well the training worked.
  1. Tools for feedback:
    You can keep making changes by asking new employees what they think about the onboarding process.
  • Surveys and polls: Use online survey tools to get feedback on different parts of the training process.
  • Anonymous feedback: Let new employees give feedback without giving their names. This will make sure that the feedback is honest and helpful.
  • Regular check-ins: Videoconferencing tools can set up regular check-ins where they can talk about their experience and address any worries.

Read Also. 9 Challenges Of Starting A Business In Nigeria


Onboarding new hires effectively is crucial for the success and growth of your business in Nigeria. Using these tips, you can ensure that your new workers fit in well, do their jobs well, and are happy with them. Signing up for your business on our online list is necessary to expand your network and make your business more visible. You should not miss the chance to meet other pros and possible clients. Sign up for your business today.