5 Best Sales Strategies For Small Business (Complete Guide)

  • Reading time:12 mins read

As a Nigerian small business owner, you must know how to make sales to help your company grow and succeed in a competitive market. This article breaks down the five best sales strategies for small businesses to fit the needs of companies like yours. These tactics will help you reach your business goals and increase sales, whether you’re just starting out or want to improve your current plan. Let’s do it! These tried-and-true methods will help you improve your sales game.

The 5 best sales strategies for small business

  • Figuring out who your target market is
  • Coming up with a unique value proposition
  • Using channels for digital marketing
  • Getting to Know Your Customers Better
  • Putting sales strategies and techniques into action

Before we get into the specifics of the five best sales strategies for small businesses, it’s important to know why companies need them in the first place. As a small business owner, You should have a sales strategy for several reasons; 

Why small businesses need to have a clear sales strategy

  • More money coming in: A sales plan helps you find and take advantage of chances to make your business more money. Getting more sales and making more money is easy if you set clear sales goals and use focused strategies.
  • Strategic focus: A sales strategy helps you plan your sales activities and concentrate your time and resources on the tasks most likely to bring you sales. This strategic method keeps you from wasting time and energy on strategies that don’t work and lets you focus on tasks that will help you reach your business goals.
  • Competitive edge: If you have a sales strategy, you will have an edge in a very competitive field. It helps you set your business apart from others in the same field, emphasise your unique value proposition, and place your goods or services correctly in customers’ minds.
  • Consistent performance: If you follow your sales plan correctly, your performance will be consistent and predictable. By taking a structured approach to sales, you can set up reliable systems, keep track of progress, and make choices based on data to get better results over time.
  • Relationships with customers: A sales plan isn’t just about making sales; it’s also about getting to know and keeping in touch with your customers. By understanding their needs, addressing their worries, and giving them value at every interaction, you can make customers more loyal and get them to buy from you again.
  • Adaptability: A sales plan shouldn’t be set in stone; it should be able to change with the times to keep up with changing market conditions, customer tastes, and business goals. By reviewing and improving your plan on a regular basis, you can keep up with changing trends and take advantage of new opportunities as they arise.

Now that we know the importance of sales strategies for small businesses let’s look at the five best sales strategies that small business owners can use to make more money and reach their sales goals.

1. Figure out who your target market is

You should clearly understand your target market to reach and connect with your buyers. That’s possible:

  • Figure out who your ideal customers are: To begin with, consider who your ideal customers are. Some things to consider are behaviour (like buying habits and preferences), demographics (like age, gender, and location), and psychographics (like hobbies, values, and way of life).
  • Conduct market research: Learn about the people you want to sell to. This can include looking at business trends, researching competitors, and polling or meeting with potential customers in focus groups or surveys.
  • Listen to what customers say: Listen to what your current customers say. What do they like about your services or goods? What do they think could be done better? The things they say can tell you a lot about your target market.
  • Split up your audience: Once you know your target market, divide them into groups based on what they have in common and what makes them different. This helps you make your marketing messages and plans more effective for each group.
  • Stay current: Your target market may change over time, so it’s essential to keep your knowledge of them up to date. Stay updated on market trends, consumer tastes, and business news changes.

2. Come up with a unique value proposition

To get the attention and interest of possible customers, you need to develop a strong value proposition. To come up with a unique value offer for your small business, follow these steps:

  • Find your unique selling points: Look closely at your goods or services and determine what distinguishes them from others on the market. Consider factors such as price, customer service, quality, and benefits.
  • Know What Your Customers Want: Put yourself in your ideal customer’s shoes and consider what they value most. What problems do they want to solve, and how does what you’re giving better meet those needs than other options?
  • Talk about the benefits clearly: Write a short message showing why people should choose your business over others. Pay attention to how your goods or services can improve people’s lives or ease their problems.
  • Make yourself stand out: Stress what makes your company special and why people should pick you over others in the same field. Make sure your value offer stands out, whether it’s your new way of doing things, high-quality products, or excellent customer service.

3. Use channels for digital marketing

Using digital marketing channels to connect and interact with your target audience is essential in this digital age. To help your small business get the most out of internet marketing, here are some excellent ideas:

  • Accept social media sites. Make accounts on well-known sites like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn to connect with your audience. Share helpful content, interact with your fans, and use targeted ads to reach more people.
  • Use the power of email marketing: Make a list of interested customers’ and prospects’ emails and send them newsletters, promotions, and information regularly. Personalise your emails to make them more valuable and exciting, and monitor things like open and click-through rates to see how well you’re doing.
  • Make your website search engine friendly: To improve your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), make sure your website is search engine optimised (SEO). To attract organic traffic, use relevant keywords, optimise your meta tags and descriptions, and write high-quality, relevant content.
  • You could try Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. You could use Google Ads or Bing Ads to run PPC campaigns targeting specific keywords and reach people actively looking for goods or services like yours. Set a budget and closely monitor your efforts to get the best return on investment (ROI).
  • Do content marketing. Write blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics that are useful and helpful for your target audience and share them. Talk about common problems and come up with answers to build trust and credibility with your audience.

4. Get to know your customers better.

You must build strong customer relationships for your small business to succeed in the long run. To make and keep these ties strong, do the following:

  • Prioritise customer satisfaction: Aim to exceed your customers’ expectations at every touchpoint. Listen to what they say, address their issues immediately, and do your best to give them excellent, lasting service.
  • How to communicate Well: There are many ways to stay in touch with your customers, such as through email, social media, and the phone. Respond to their questions, give them helpful information, and show that you care about their wants and needs.
  • Customise the experience: Treat each customer like a unique person by customising their experience as much as possible. Call them by name, make suggestions based on their interests, and remember specifics about how they’ve interacted with your business in the past.
  • Go the extra Mile: To show your customers that you value their business, look for ways to go the extra mile for them. Thank loyal customers by giving them special deals, surprises, or rewards. This will make them more likely to stick with you.
  • Build trust and credibility: being open, honest, and dependable with your customers. Stick to what you say you’ll do and own up to your mistakes when they happen. Trust and credibility must be built for long-term connections to work.

5. Put your sales strategies and techniques into action.

If you want your small business in Nigeria to grow, you must use suitable sales methods and strategies. To help you reach your sales goals and close deals, here are some tips:

  • Know what your customers want: Listen to them and determine their needs and problems. By understanding what they’re going through, you can make your sales pitch more effective by focusing on their unique issues and providing solutions that meet their needs.
  • Build relationships and trust: The best way to get your people to trust and believe in you is to connect with them. In your conversations, be friendly, open, and honest, and show that you care about what’s best for them.
  • Draw attention to the pros: Instead of listing your product or service’s features, talk about what it can do for people. Show your customers how your product or service can solve their problems or improve their lives, and stress the benefits they’ll get from choosing it.
  • Get past objections: During the sales process, you should be ready for and answer any complaints or concerns that your customers may have. Pay close attention to their objections, accept their worries, and give them relevant information or reassurances to help clear up their doubts.
  • Create a sense of urgency: Make your customers feel like they need to act quickly by creating a sense of shortage or urgency. Highlight deals are only available for a limited time or date to get them to decide to buy sooner rather than later.
  • How to follow up: Don’t let a good lead fall through the cracks. Make sure you follow up with your customers on time to answer any questions they still have, give them more information, or complete the sale. Constant follow-ups that keep going can often tip the scales in your favour.

Read also: 6 Proven Tips for Improving Customer Service for Your Business


To grow and succeed as a business owner in Nigeria, you must learn effective sales techniques and strategies. This article provides sales strategies for small businesses that you can use to improve your sales and reach your business goals.

But that’s not the end of the success. You can make your business even more visible and reach more people by adding it to our online directory for companies in Nigeria. When you join our directory, you can access a platform that helps you stand out in the market and meet with people who might buy from you.

Take advantage of this chance to grow your business and meet more people. Today is the day to add your business to our online list and take the next step towards more success.