What Are The Best Ways To Use Referrals And Word-Of-Mouth Marketing For Sales In Nigeria?

  • Reading time:21 mins read

As a Nigerian business owner, you always look for ways to make more money and expand your company. You should use referrals and word-of-mouth marketing as a powerful approach. These strategies can help you get more customers and improve your brand’s image. But you might wonder what the “What are the best ways to use referrals and word-of-mouth marketing for sales in Nigeria?”. This piece will show you how to use referrals and word-of-mouth marketing for sales in Nigeria. These marketing methods are effective. By the end, you’ll have a good idea of how to turn happy customers into eager brand ambassadors who help your business succeed. Let’s dive in and learn how to use word-of-mouth and link marketing to your advantage in Nigeria.

How to use referrals and word-of-mouth advertising

Knowing the basics of referrals and word-of-mouth marketing is essential before getting into the tactics. This background information will help you answer, “What are the best ways to use referrals and word-of-mouth marketing for sales in Nigeria?”


Referrals happen when customers tell their friends, family, or coworkers about your goods or services. This suggestion can come from conversations, social media, or other talking methods. Referrals are vital because they come from people people trust, which makes people more likely to try your business.

Marketing through word of mouth:

Referrals are only one part of word-of-mouth marketing. It means making much noise about your company so people will talk positively about your business. This can be done with excellent customer service, events that people will remember, or one-of-a-kind products. Word-of-mouth marketing can happen naturally or be planned to get people to talk about their experiences.

Why it’s important:

Referrals and word-of-mouth marketing work very well because they use the trust and trustworthiness of personal connections. People are likelier to trust suggestions from family and friends than to believe ads. These methods also have a positive feedback loop; one happy customer can bring in many new customers by telling others about their good experiences.

Helping each other out:

Referrals and word-of-mouth advertising work well together. Referrals usually happen because of specific requests or benefits, but word-of-mouth marketing depends on customers being happy and talking about your business naturally. When they work together, they can build a strong group of people who will support your business for free.


  • Cost-effective: Referrals and word-of-mouth marketing can cut your marketing costs significantly compared to paid ads.
  • Better conversion rates: When people recommend your business, they already have a reasonable opinion, thanks to recommendations from people they trust.
  • Better trustworthiness: Good word of mouth builds a loyal customer base and improves the trustworthiness of your brand.

You can better understand the effects of these marketing tactics if you know these basics. Now, let’s look at what you can do to use word-of-mouth and recommendations to help your Nigerian business make sales.

Put together a good referral programme.

Building a good referral programme is essential if you want to use referrals and word-of-mouth marketing to make sales. If you have a good feedback programme, your happy customers will be likelier to tell their friends about your business. This will bring you new customers and increase your sales.

  1. Set clear objectives and goals: First, write down what you want your recommendation programme to do. Do you want to boost sales, attract more customers, or increase awareness of your brand? If you set clear goals, you can create a programme that helps your business reach its goals.
  2. Figure out who you want to reach: Determine your ideal customers and make your marketing programme fit their needs. Focusing on your ideal customers will ensure that the people who refer you are good prospects who will likely become loyal customers.
  3. Create rewards and incentives people will want: Give your customers strong reasons to tell their friends about your business. These include discounts, cash awards, free stuff, and special deals. Ensure the benefits are worthwhile for your business in the long term and appealing enough to get people to participate.
  4. Make the referral process easier: Help your buyers share your business by making the process as simple as possible. Give them clear rules and easy-to-use tools so they can share referrals. This could be an easy form on your website, a referral link, or a code. People are more likely to join if they can easily refer others.
  5. Make your referral programme known: Promoting your suggested programme well is vital for its success. Spread the word through email messages, social media, and signs in stores, among other things. Customers will stay interested and inspired if you keep reminding them about the programme and what it can do for them.
  6. Keep track of and measure performance: Use tracking tools to monitor the success of your referral programme. Track measures like the number of referrals, the rate of conversion, and the value of the new customers who came from referrals. This information will help you determine what’s working and what needs to change.
  7. Provide excellent customer service: Ensuring customers have a good time is essential for a feedback programme. Referrals from happy customers are more likely to come back. Focus on giving excellent service, quickly meeting customers’ needs, and promptly fixing any problems.
  8. Honour and reward your best referrals: Thank your top referrers for their help by recognising and rewarding them. This could mean extra rewards, notable accolades, or special deals. Not only does recognising your top referrers keep them going, but it also gets others to join in.
  9. Continuously improve your programme: Review and improve your referral programme often based on comments and data about its effectiveness. Listen to what your customers say and be ready to make changes to improve the programme.

By setting up a strong reference programme, you can use your happy customers to bring in new customers. This plan answers the question, “What are the best ways to use referrals and word-of-mouth marketing for sales in Nigeria?” and shows you how to use trusted tips to grow your Nigerian business.

Promoting marketing through word of mouth

Getting people to talk about your brand positively is essential if you want to use recommendations and word-of-mouth marketing to make sales. Asking your customers about their experiences can help you reach more people and build your reputation. How to do it:

Use Referrals And Word-Of-Mouth Marketing For Sales

  1. Offer excellent customer service: Excellent customer service makes word-of-mouth marketing work. People are likelier to tell others about your business if they have a good experience. Focus on giving quick, friendly, and helpful service. Always go the extra mile to make things better for your customers.
  2. Provide top-notch goods or services: Quality is essential to earn customers’ trust and respect. Ensure that your services or goods always meet or exceed what customers expect. Customers will be happy with your products and services, and they will also be likely to tell others about your business.
  3. Make experiences you’ll remember: Remember when you talk to your customers. You can do this by giving your customers personalised service, unique packaging, or extra things that make them feel important. Positive word-of-mouth is more likely to spread when people share memorable events.
  4. Use social media to interact with customers: Social media is a great way to get people to talk about your business. Use sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to interact with your customers. Participate in conversations, respond to comments, and share user-generated material. This will create a community around your company and encourage happy customers to share their good experiences.
  5. Get reviews and testimonials from your customers: Ask your happy customers to write reviews and recommendations for you. Post these reviews on your website and social media pages. Good reviews are like endorsements, making people want to try your goods or services.
  6. Make content that can be shared: People will want to share material with their friends and family. This can include exciting blog posts, movies, infographics, or stories that make people want to learn more about your brand. Content that can be shared naturally gets seen by more people.
  7. Hold contests and campaigns on social media: Run campaigns and contests that get people to talk about their experiences with your company or make content about it. A photo contest where people can share pictures of themselves using your product is one way to get a lot of good word-of-mouth.
  8. Show off customer stories: Tell stories about how your services or goods have helped your customers. Bringing attention to customer success stories can connect people and encourage them to share their own. These stories should be on your website, social media, and marketing tools.
  9. Build a community: Create a group for your brand’s customers to talk to each other and share their stories. This can happen in person, online, or through social media groups or events in your area. Strong communities encourage people to talk about your brand constantly, which boosts word-of-mouth marketing.
  10. Honour and reward advocacy: Thank people who help spread the word about your business. You can do this by giving them shout-outs on social media, prizes for their loyalty, or special deals. Customers are more likely to share their good experiences when they are recognised and rewarded for doing so.

Follow these tips to effectively boost word-of-mouth marketing, which will answer the question, “What are the best ways to use referrals and word-of-mouth marketing for sales in Nigeria?” These actions will help you build a strong, positive reputation and get new customers through recommendations that people trust.

Using social media to get word of mouth and referrals

Many people will tell their friends and family about your business through word of mouth and referrals. You can reach more people and get your customers to share their good experiences on social media if you use them wisely. To answer the question, “What are the best ways to use referrals and word-of-mouth marketing for sales in Nigeria?” here’s how to use social media.

  1. Make content that can be shared: Create material that is interesting and fun to read and that people will want to share. This can be blog posts, infographics, movies, or customer reviews. People who like your content are likelier to share it with their friends and family, which will help spread the word about your business.
  2. Run contests and campaigns on social media: Run campaigns and events that get people to share your content or tell their friends about your business. You could ask people to post pictures of themselves with your goods and tag your company to have a chance to win a prize. These actions make people talk about your business and spread the word.
  3. Get involved with your audience: Respond to comments, messages, and reviews to keep in touch with your community. Show them you appreciate their help and involvement. Knowing your customers creates a sense of community and makes them more likely to tell others about their good experiences.
  4. Use brand advocates and influencers to your advantage: Work with brand advocates and people with many fans who can spread the word about your business. Influencers can reach many people, and when they say good things about you, it can boost your reputation. Pick influencers whose morals match your brand to ensure you get real promotions.
  5. Encourage user content: Ask your customers to write about your goods or services and share them with others. Because it comes from real people, user-generated content (UGC) is a powerful way to spread the word about a business. Share user-generated content (UGC) on your social media pages to show thanks and get more people to contribute.
  6. Add buttons for sharing on social networks: Put buttons for social sharing on your website, blog, and emails to make it easy for people to share your information. With just one click, this simple update makes people more likely to tell their friends about your business.
  7. Watch for mentions on social media: Use social media listening tools to monitor when your business is mentioned. Show appreciation by responding to positive comments and quickly addressing any negative feedback. If you monitor social media, you can interact with your audience in real-time and manage your brand’s reputation well.
  8. Bring attention to customer reviews and testimonials: Write and share good customer reviews and comments on your social media pages. By highlighting the positive experiences of happy customers, you can encourage more people to try your goods or services and increase their trust in your business.
  9. Give special deals on social media: Offer special discounts and savings to people who follow you. This shows appreciation for your regular customers and makes them more likely to share these deals with their friends and family, which brings more people to your business.
  10. Encourage a sense of community: Encourage conversations and interactions between your followers on social media sites to make them feel like they are part of a group. A strong group encourages loyalty and increases the likelihood of people telling their friends about the business.

Find out how referrals and word-of-mouth marketing work.

You need to measure the results of your referral and word-of-mouth marketing campaigns to know how well they’re working. By monitoring key measures, you can see how well these strategies are increasing sales and find places where they could be better. Discover how to measure the effect and answer, “What are the best ways to use referrals and word-of-mouth marketing for sales in Nigeria?”

Use Referrals And Word-Of-Mouth Marketing For Sales

  1. Link-based traffic: Monitor the traffic your website gets from other websites that send people there. Use Google Analytics or another tool to track the number of people who visit your site through links or codes that lead them there. Growing referral traffic means your customers constantly tell others about your business.
  2. Rates of conversion: Monitor the conversion rates of people from other sources. This means tracking how many people do what you want them to do, like buy something, sign up for your newsletter, or call your business. Referral traffic with higher conversion rates suggests that word-of-mouth marketing is working to make sales.
  3. Cost to get a new customer (CAC): Find out how much it costs to get new customers through word of mouth versus other marketing methods. The lower CAC for recommendations means this is a cheap way to get more customers. Check this measure over time to ensure your referral programme works well.
  4. Value of a customer over their lifetime: Check how much customers who came from recommendations are worth over time. To do this, you must figure out how much money these people have brought in throughout their entire relationship with your business. Referred customers with a higher CLV are likely to be more loyal and valuable, which proves that your referral plan is working.
  5. Using social media to connect: Check how engaged people are with your social media posts when you share user-generated content or push recommendation programmes. Keep track of things like tweets, shares, comments, and likes. People who are interested in your business and want to spread the word are likely to have high participation rates.
  6. Value for money (NPS): Use NPS polls to determine your customers’ happiness and loyalty. On a scale from 0 to 10, ask your customers how likely they are to tell others about your business. Happy customers are likelier to talk to their friends about your business, so a high NPS means that word-of-mouth advertising could be very effective.
  7. Keeping track of unique referral codes: Give each customer who joins your referral programme their unique referral code. This lets you track who sends you new customers and how well their recommendations work. Reward the people who bring in the most new customers to keep them returning.
  8. Keeping an eye on online testimonials and reviews: Pay attention to reviews and recommendations you can find online. Good reviews and customer stories can give you a more in-depth look at how word-of-mouth marketing affects your business. When people provide feedback, look for patterns that show you what they like best about your goods or services.
  9. Polls and customer comments: Ask people how they heard about your business through surveys and other feedback forms daily. You can get helpful information about your strategies by directly asking people if they heard about your business from a referral or through word of mouth.
  10. Looking at sales data: Look at your sales data to find themes and trends. Watch for sales that go through the roof after certain referral efforts or social media ads. This can help you determine the best strategies to spread the word about your business.

How to get past problems and common mistakes

Using referral and word-of-mouth marketing can be very successful, but it also has problems and risks that could go wrong. You can better answer the question, “What are the best ways to use referrals and word-of-mouth marketing for sales in Nigeria?” if you know about these problems and how to solve them.

  1. Get people to participate: One of the hardest things is getting your customers to join your promotion programme. Many people like your product or service but might need a little push to tell others about it. Ensure your reference programme is easy to use and gives people something in return. Make getting referrals as easy as possible and offer appealing rewards that get people to act.
  2. Making sure customers trust you is very important for word-of-mouth marketing: People will only tell others about your brand if they trust it. Deliver consistently high-quality goods and excellent customer service to earn and keep trust. Be honest about how you run your business, and immediately fix any problems or complaints.
  3. How to deal with lousy feedback: Sometimes, word of mouth is only good. Bad feedback can quickly spread and hurt your brand’s image. To fix this, watch reviews and social media sites for any nasty comments. Respond professionally and helpfully to show that you value customer feedback and are ready to improve.
  4. How to measure effectiveness: Tracking how well your reference and word-of-mouth marketing work can take much work. Keep an eye on link traffic, conversion rates, and the cost of getting a new customer with tools like Google Analytics and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Check these metrics often to see what’s working and where your plan needs to be changed.
  5. Make sure quality stays the same: To keep customers coming back and telling their friends about your business, you need to ensure that the quality of your goods and services remains high. Bad word of mouth can happen if the quality goes down. Set up ways to check the quality of your work and ask customers for feedback regularly to ensure you’re meeting their needs.
  6. Getting past cultural barriers: Cultural differences in Nigeria can affect how people react to word-of-mouth advertising. Learn about the culture of the people you want to reach and adjust your method to fit. This could mean speaking the local language, knowing what people like, and being aware of cultural sensitivity.
  7. Refrain from relying too much on incentives: Incentives are an excellent way to get people to refer others, but depending too much on them can backfire. Customers may only participate because they want the prize rather than believing in your service or product. Focus on building genuine relationships and giving real value while keeping your rewards in check.
  8. How to handle rapid growth: A successful connection programme can help a business overgrow, which can be hard to handle. Ensure you have the tools and facilities to deal with many new customers. There must also be enough stock, staff, and customer service to maintain a good level of service.
  9. Keeping the show interesting: Even the best programs can get old. To keep your program interesting, change the rewards, add new features, or start special referral efforts regularly. This will keep customers interested and excited about participating.
  10. Thoughts on the law and ethics: Make sure your word-of-mouth and referral marketing methods are legal and moral in Nigeria. Don’t use false or misleading ads or promotions; value your customers’ privacy and data protection rights. When you market your business, honesty and ethics, build trust and trustworthiness.

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For this reason, word-of-mouth and recommendations are vital ways to grow your business in Nigeria and increase sales. By implementing a solid referral programme, encouraging word-of-mouth marketing, and using social media, you can build a network of loyal customers who actively support your brand. Overcoming problems on how to use referrals and word-of-mouth marketing for sales in Nigeria and figuring out how your work affects things is essential to improving your plan and having long-term success.

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