6 Ways You Can Improve Your Business’s Credit Score in Nigeria?

  • Reading time:14 mins read

As a business owner, you must know how to improve your business credit score in Nigeria to grow and succeed. You can get better loan terms and financing choices with good credit. Suppliers and business partners may also trust you more. But sometimes, improving your business credit score in Nigeria can seem impossible, especially if you know where to begin.

Nigeria’s credit score system assesses your company’s financial health and dependability by examining your payment history, debt amount, and credit management. This post is for you if you’ve ever wondered, “How can you improve your business’s credit score in Nigeria?”

We will walk you through steps you can take immediately to improve your business’s credit score in Nigeria. Everything you need to know about your credit report, how to handle your bills, and how to build strong relationships with lenders is here. If you follow these steps, you can create a solid financial future for your business and find new ways to grow and succeed in the Nigerian market.

Here are 6 ways you can improve your business’s credit score in Nigeria

  • Know what your credit score is right now
  • Know how to handle your debts well
  • Open credit lines and keep them open
  • Get better at handling money
  • Get to know your lenders
  • Key an eye on your credit

1. Know what your credit score is right now

  • Getting a copy of your credit report: The first thing I need to do to improve my business’s credit score in Nigeria is to find out what it is now. The first step is to get a credit report for your business. In Nigeria, you can get your credit record from several credit bureaus, such as the CRC Credit Bureau, CreditRegistry, and FirstCentral Credit Bureau.

Call these agencies first to get a copy of your credit report. Doing this often is essential because it lets you see where your business stands financially. If you know your credit score and the factors that affect it, you can take steps to improve it.

  • Figuring out what the report says: After getting your credit report, you must know what each part means. Your payment history, the amount of debt you owe, the length of your credit history, and the types of credit you use are all listed on your credit report and affect your general credit score.

Read each part of the study very carefully. Check for mistakes or flaws, like wrong payment records or accounts you need to learn about. If you find any errors, you should tell the credit company right away so they can be fixed. This makes sure that your credit score is a true reflection of your financial situation.

Understanding your credit score is essential because it shows you what needs to be fixed. If your report shows that you made late payments, for example, you can resolve to always make payments on time from now on. You can work on paying down your debt if it’s too big. You can make intelligent choices to improve your business’s credit score in Nigeria by regularly reviewing and knowing your credit report.

2. Know how to handle your debts well

  • Payments on time: Taking care of your bills well is one of the most important things you can do to improve your business’s credit score in Nigeria. Making payments on time is a vital part of this. Paying your bills and loans on time every month shows that you are responsible with money and reliable, which is good for your credit score.

Set up regular or reminder payments to ensure you pay your bills on time. That way, you will receive payments and must pay late fees. Paying off high-interest bills first is also a good idea because they can add up quickly and become more challenging. By making payments on time every time, you show lenders that your business can be relied on and handle its financial responsibilities.

  • Getting rid of debt: Cutting general debt is another essential part of managing debt well. A lot of debt can hurt your credit score because it shows you are at a more significant financial risk. Lowering your debt-to-income ratio is what I need to do to improve my business’s credit score in Nigeria.

Start by making a plan for paying off your debt. Make a list of all your bills and put them in order of importance based on their balances and interest rates. You should talk to your creditors about better terms or combine your bills to get lower interest rates. You can also lower the principal amount faster by making extra payments. This will save you money in interest over time.

Improve Your Business's Credit Score

Additionally, only take on new debt if you have to. Before you ask for more credit, consider whether it’s necessary for your business’s growth and whether you can easily make the extra payments. Getting rid of debt will help your credit score and make your business more financially stable and flexible.

To improve my business’s credit score in Nigeria, the most important things are to pay off your debts on time and lower your total debt levels. By managing your debt responsibly, you build a more substantial financial base for your business and improve your chances of getting better financing choices in the future.

3. Open credit lines and keep them open

  • Opening up new credit lines: Setting up and keeping up credit lines is essential for my business’s credit score in Nigeria. Getting responsible new credit accounts can help you build a more diverse credit history and show you how to handle different kinds of credit. This shows lenders that your company is trustworthy with money and can handle a variety of credit sources.

Start small when you open a new credit account. Get a business credit card or a small loan that you can easily handle. Ensure you only ask for the necessary credit and can pay it back. When you apply for new credit, your credit record is hard-checked, which can lower your score for a short time. So, it’s best to wait a while before applying for new credit and only do so when needed.

  • Taking care of existing credit lines: It’s just as essential to keep your current credit lines open as it is to open new ones. Keeping your credit utilization low or getting a good credit score is necessary. Credit utilization is the amount of credit you use compared to the total available credit. To improve the credit score of my Nigerian business, try to keep your credit utilization below 30%.

For example, if your total credit limit for all your accounts is ₦1,000,000, try to keep your total amounts below ₦300,000. The best way to control how much credit you use is to pay off your debt in full every month. If you can’t do that, try to make more than the minimum payment every month to lower your amount slowly.

Keeping past credit accounts open is also suitable for your credit history length, which is good for your credit score. Keep old accounts open, even if you use them sparingly. Long-term accounts show that you have been good at managing your credit.

You can raise my company’s credit score in Nigeria by being smart about opening new credit accounts and handling the ones you already have. A balanced approach can help you build a strong credit profile, making your business more appealing to lenders and better prepared for financial possibilities.

4. Get better at handling money

  • Keep correct financial records: Accurate financial records are very important for improving my company’s credit score in Nigeria. Proper and thorough records of your business’s financial transactions help you monitor its health and make intelligent choices. Good records also make it easier to put together monetary statements and tax reports, which lenders often need to see when they decide if you are creditworthy.

Make sure you have an excellent way to keep track of your money coming in and going out, your bills, and your payments. You can use accounting tools or hire a professional accountant to keep track of your money. If you review your financial records regularly, you can find any mistakes or problems early on and fix them before they hurt your credit score.

  • Keep your personal and business finances separate: Another essential way to improve your business’s credit score in Nigeria is to keep your personal and work finances separate. Mixing work and personal expenses can complicate things, make your accounting more complex, and hurt your credit score. Keeping your personal and business funds separate helps you keep good records and shows lenders that you are professional and organized.

Set up a separate bank account for your business and only use it for business activities. Also, if you need to pay for work expenses, get a business credit card instead of your credit card. This separation makes it easier to handle your money and helps your business build its credit history separate from your own.

You give your business a solid financial base by keeping accurate financial records and keeping your personal and business funds separate. Not only do these things help your business’s general finances, but they also help you improve your business’s credit score in Nigeria. Using these tactics will help your business be ready to meet its financial obligations and make a solid case to possible lenders.

5. Get to know your lenders.

  • Talk to your creditors: Building good ties with lenders is essential for my business’s credit score in Nigeria. Communicating clearly with your creditors shows you are serious about meeting your financial responsibilities. Maintaining open and honest communication can help you find reasonable solutions for both of you, whether negotiating loan terms or discussing payment choices.

Tell your clients about any changes in how your business makes money that could affect your ability to pay them. If you have trouble meeting your payment deadlines, contact the lender ahead of time to talk about possible alternatives, like changing your repayment plan or getting a temporary extension on your payments. Being proactive about communicating and ready to work together can help you build trust with lenders and lower the chances of adverse effects on your credit score.

  • Get help from a professional: You can also help your business’s credit score in Nigeria by getting help from financial advisors or credit counsellors. These experts can help you learn how to manage your money, pay off your debts, and improve your credit. They can give you personalised advice based on your business’s financial state and goals.

Improve Your Business's Credit Score

A financial expert or credit counsellor can help you make a plan to handle your debts, make your cash flow better, and improve your credit score. They can also give you sound advice on how to build better relationships with lenders and deal with money problems intelligently. Using their knowledge gives you access to tools and methods to improve your credit score and make better financing choices.

To improve my business’s credit score in Nigeria, I need to take strategic steps like communicating clearly with lenders and building relationships with them. These steps will not only help your business stay financially stable, but they will also set you up for future growth and success in the Nigerian market. Prioritising strong lender relationships and getting advice from experts can boost the trustworthiness of your business and improve your chances of getting competitive financing.

6. Keep an eye on your credit and protect it

  • Regular checking: To raise my company’s credit score in Nigeria, it’s essential to monitor it regularly. By checking your credit report regularly, you can stay current on its state and quickly spot any changes or mistakes. Credit bureaus such as CRC Credit Bureau, CreditRegistry, and FirstCentral Credit Bureau can give you your business credit record if you are in Nigeria.

You should check your credit report at least once a year or before you ask for new credit. You can set up alerts or reminders to do this. When you look over your report, you can find any mistakes, like unauthorised requests or wrong information, that could hurt your credit score. If you find any errors, you should tell the credit company right away so they can be fixed.

  • Making sure there is no fraud: Another critical part of handling your credit well is keeping your business safe from credit fraud. Identity theft or using your business’s credit information without permission are examples of fraud that can damage your credit score and image. Strong cybersecurity means, and best practices can help keep your company’s private financial data safe.

Update your security software, firewalls, and encryption tools to keep your business’s computers and networks safe. To lower your company’s risk of cyberattacks, teach your workers about phishing scams and other common types of fraud. Use strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts and change them often for extra security.

You can protect your business’s credit score and finances by monitoring your credit report and being careful of scams. These proactive steps help my company’s credit score in Nigeria and show that you are dedicated to keeping your finances in good shape and your reputation with lenders and creditors. To ensure your business has long-term success and security in the Nigerian market, keep an eye on and protect its credit.

Read Also. What Are The Consequences Of Poor Customer Service For Nigerian Entrepreneurs?


In Nigeria, improving your company’s credit score is essential for getting better loans and helping it grow. You can achieve financial stability and success by following tips, like keeping an eye on your credit score, paying off your bills on time, and getting to know your lenders.

Ready to take charge of the future of your business’s money? Add your business to our online list right away! Show that you can be trusted, get in touch with possible lenders, and find ways to improve your credit score even more. Join our list immediately to make the most of your business opportunities in Nigeria.