How Do I Handle Objections And Rejections In Sales?

  • Reading time:11 mins read

In the fast-paced sales world, you will always face complaints and rejections. Nigerian business owners like you always ask, “How do I handle objections and rejections in sales?
When a potential customer turns down or rejects a sales pitch or proposal, this is called rejection. It might happen for many reasons, such as worries about cost, timing, trust, or how well it fits their wants.
Conversely, opposites are specific problems or concerns buyers bring up during sales. These complaints can be about the product or service, price, timing, or anything else the prospect thinks will stop them from buying.

Dealing with objections means handling them properly, reassuring the prospect, clearing up any confusion, and showing the value proposition to get them to take the next step and buy.
This guide will teach you valuable ways to deal with complaints and rejections in sales, giving you the power to turn problems into chances to grow.
So, How do I handle objections and rejections in sales? Let’s look at some ideas that can be used immediately in the Nigerian market.

How to understand Nigerian customers:

Knowing how Nigerian buyers think is essential for dealing with objections and rejections in sales. As a salesperson, you must understand their unique tastes, regional nuances, and buying habits.

how do i handle objections and rejections

This way, you can ensure your sales pitch fits their unique wants and needs.
Nigerian customers care about human connections, trust, and honesty when doing business. So, getting to know each other and earning trust is very important. You can also connect better with your customers if you are aware of cultural sensitivity and change how you talk to them to fit. By getting to know your Nigerian customers better, you’ll be better prepared to deal with objections and rejections, eventually leading to more sales.

Tips for dealing with objections

These are some excellent ways to deal with complaints in sales:

how to I handle objection's and Rejections in sales

  • Please pay attention: Listen carefully to what the customer says, and don’t talk over them. Show that you care and understand.]
  • Please take note of the objection: Repeat it to ensure the customer understands it. This will also show that you’ve heard their worries.
  • Confirm the worry: Show that you understand and agree with the customer’s point of view to build trust and confidence.
  • Give information: Give the customer valuable data or information that answers their questions and clarifies things.
  • Offer solutions: Give customers other options or agreements to help them with their problems and meet their needs.
  • Deal with objections proactively: Plan for common objections and address them directly during your sales pitch to reduce pushback.
  • Use proof from other people: Share reviews, case studies, or success stories from happy customers to show the value of your product or service.
  • Learn how to listen actively: Pay close attention to the customer’s concerns and react with care, showing that you want to understand their needs.
  • Don’t give up: Keep a positive and solution-focused mood and focus on finding objections that work for both sides.
  • Confidently close: Once you’ve answered the objection well, confidently return the conversation to the sales process and move towards closing the deal.

Strategies for Handling Rejection

In sales, here are some excellent ways to deal with being turned down:

how do I handle objections and rejections in sales

  • Change your argument: You can turn the refusal into a chance by rephrasing it as a question or a request for more information.
  • Point out the benefits: Bring up the benefits and worth of your product or service to allay any fears or doubts the customer may have.
  • Trust each other: Show proof of your knowledge, experience, and the success of your products or services to build trust and trustworthiness.
  • Clear up misunderstandings: Ensure the customer understands anything they need help understanding about your product or service.
  • Switch to a different approach: If the first approach doesn’t work, try a different angle or benefit that might connect better with the customer.
  • Give a trial or sample: If a customer has questions or concerns, give them a chance to try your product or service through a trial or sample.
  • Provide social proof: Show that your product or service is trustworthy by sharing testimonials, reviews, or recommendations from happy customers.
  • Create a sense of urgency: To get the customer to act now, highlight deals, discounts, or freebies only available for a limited time.
  • Follow up: Regularly contact the customer to solve any issues, answer questions, and provide more information.
  • Take lessons from rejections: Rejections are opportunities to learn, so use the comments to improve your sales and better meet your customers’ needs. 

Practical tips for Nigerian sales professionals

Here are some valuable tips for Nigerian sales professionals on how to deal with complaints and rejections:

  • Please pay attention: Listen carefully to what the customer says, and don’t talk over them. Actively listen to understand their point of view entirely.
  • Empathise: Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and understand what they’re going through. Show that you know and recognise how they feel.
  • Keep calm and sure of yourself: Keep cool when people disagree with you or turn you down. Show that you have faith in your service or product.
  • Get ready: Think about the most usual objections and come up with answers ahead of time. Be prepared to deal with concerns by giving them the proper knowledge and solutions.
  • Ask deep questions: Ask open-ended questions to get to the bottom of the argument. Discover more about the customer’s doubts to understand their real reasons.
  • Offer value: Determine what makes your product or service valuable and how it solves a problem or meets a customer’s need. Think about the perks and answers you can offer.
  • Deal with objections. With due respect: Be polite and professional when answering concerns. It is best not to get angry or argue. Take the customer’s worries seriously and try to help them.
  • Give other options: If the customer is still trying to decide, give them different choices or solutions that might suit their wants or preferences.
  • Build rapport: Get to know the customer and build a good relationship with them built on trust and credibility. Having a good relationship with someone can help reduce complaints and rejections.
  • Follow-up: After dealing with the customer’s concerns, ensure they are happy with the answer by following up with them. During the sales process, stay interested in them and pay attention to what they need.

Common objections in sales

Here are some common sales objections and how to get past them:

  1. Problem with the price: 
    • Explain the value proposition and stress the value and benefits of your product or service, focusing on its return on investment.
    • Different buying options: To make buying more affordable, offer discounts, payment plans, or bundles.
    • Showcase customer reviews: Tell success stories from happy customers who thought the price was worth it. Example, showcase customer reviews on your website and your page
  2. Product/service fit objection: 
    • Know what the customer wants: Ask deep questions to determine what people are struggling with, then make your pitch fit those needs. 
    • Show them how your product or service can be changed to fit their needs by offering customisation. 
    • They provided proof: Share case studies or examples of customers in your situation who used your product or service to solve their problems.
  3. Problem with trust:
    • Make friends: Spend time getting to know the customers and building a connection with them to gain their trust and credibility.
    • Promise things: To ease people’s worries, offer promises like money-back guarantees or free trials.
    • Show proof from other people: To show that you can be trusted, highlight reviews, testimonials, or support from happy customers.
  4. Timing objection: 
    • Deal with urgency: Draw attention to the immediate pros or cons of putting off the purchase choice.
    • Offer incentives: Give them limited-time deals or bonuses to get people to move quickly.
    • Offer educational materials or other resources to help the customer make a quick choice based on good information.
  5. Competition objection: 
    • Point out what makes you different: Show what makes your product or service different from others on the market.
    • Compare and contrast: Give side-by-side examples that show why your product or service is better.
    • Deal with problems directly: Pay attention to customers’ worries about rivals and answer them honestly.

Read More. What Are The 6 Everyday Challenges of Providing Customer Service In Nigeria?


In conclusion, to succeed in Nigeria’s challenging business world, you must learn how to deal with objections and rejections in sales.

Salespeople can overcome problems and reach their sales goals if they know how to talk to Nigerian customers, use effective strategies, and follow valuable tips.

But that’s not the end of the success. It’s essential to add your business to our online directory so that as many people can see it as possible and reach potential buyers. Sign up for our platform right now to get more people to see your goods or services and find new ways to grow and succeed in the Nigerian market.

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