9 Best Practices For Successful Event Marketing In Nigeria?

  • Reading time:15 mins read

Nowadays, standing out in the work world is more important than ever. The marketing of events is one good way to do this. You can get to know your audience better, show off your goods or services, and make lasting connections by holding events. However, knowing the best practices for successful event marketing is very important. You’ve come to the right place if you want to know the best practices for successful event marketing in Nigeria. This article will walk you through the steps you need to take to ensure your event is memorable and helps you reach your business goals.

best practices for successful event marketing

9 best practices for successful event marketing in Nigeria

  1. Understand your target audience
  2. Set clear goals and objectives
  3. Choose the right venue
  4. Create a compelling event concept
  5. Create a promotional and marketing plan that works
  6. Engage attendees before, during and after the event
  7. Make use of technology
  8. Measure the event’s success
  9. Build long-term relationship

1. Understand your target audience.

Knowing who you’re trying to reach is one of Nigeria’s most important best practices for successful event marketing. You can ensure your event meets your audience’s wants and expectations if you know who they are. How to do it:

  • Figuring out who your target audience is: First, be clear about the exact people you want to reach. Are you trying to reach families, young workers, or business leaders? Knowing the details, like the age, gender, income, and level of education of the people attending, will help you plan the event. A meeting for senior executives might have a different mood and setting than a meeting for young workers.
  • Understanding their preferences and behaviours: Learn more about your audience’s likes, dislikes and habits. In general, what kinds of events do they go to? What do they like to do for fun? What problems do they have that your event can help with? You can get this information from surveys, social media insights, and customer comments. If you know what drives and interests your audience, you can make an event that sticks with them and stands out from the others that are out there.

2. Set clear goals and objectives 

Setting clear goals and targets is very important for the success of your event. This is one of the best practices for successful event marketing. Figuring out your goal will help you plan and carry out the event well. How to do it:

  • Figure out your goal: First, decide what you want your event to do. Are you trying to get more people to know about your brand, find new customers, start a new product, or get closer to the ones you already have? Making your goal clear will help you make choices in the future. To illustrate, if you want to introduce a fresh item, your event could centre on showing how it works and letting people try it out for themselves.
  • Set clear goals that can be measured: Next, make clear and measurable goals. A more specific goal, like “get 200 new followers on social media” or “generate 50 qualified leads,” is better than a general one like “raise brand awareness.” Measurable goals help you keep track of your progress and judge the success of your event. It also gives you a clear goal for your planning and helps your team stay on the same page.

3. Choose the right venue.

Choosing the right location is one of the best practices for successful event marketing. The location sets the mood for your event and dramatically affects how the people who enjoy it. Here are some tips for picking the right spot:

  • Consider your audience’s size and needs: First, consider how many people will be coming and what they might need. The place should be big enough for all your guests without being crowded or empty. A room meant for 50 people will be too small for 200 people, and a room meant for 1,000 people will feel empty. Also, consider amenities like parking, ease of entry, bathrooms, and seating arrangements. These little things can significantly affect how your guests feel about the event.
  • Align with your event’s goals: Second, ensure that the location fits your event’s goals. For instance, if you’re launching a high-tech product, you should do it in a modern space with the newest video gear. For a networking event, a place with open areas and rooms for people to get together might work better. The atmosphere and facilities should work with the activities you have planned for your event.

4. Create a compelling event concept

One of the best practices for successful event marketing is to develop an exciting idea to get people to come and make the event unique. Here’s how to come up with an exciting idea for an event:

  • Figure out your message or theme: First, make sure your event has a clear theme or message. This could relate to your business, a current trend in your industry, or a unique aspect of your event that makes it stand out. For instance, if you’re planning a tech gathering, the theme could be new developments in AI. Ensure your theme fits the people you want to attend and the event’s primary goals.
  • Create engaging experiences: Once you have a theme, think of fun ways to make the event enjoyable for the people there. Think about workshops, live demonstrations, interactive sessions, or panel talks with experts in the field. The goal is to give people helpful information and network opportunities they can only get so much. Include things that will interest and help people who learn differently to keep them interested during the event.

5. Create promotional and marketing plans that work

For your event in Nigeria to succeed, you must use good marketing and promotion tactics. Here’s how to make sure that as many people as possible see and attend:

  • Utilise social media: Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn can help you get the word out about your event. Use targeted ads, exciting posts, and content from behind the scenes to reach your following. Ask people attending your event to share it with their networks to reach more people.
  • Use email marketing: Make a robust email marketing campaign to keep people who might come up to date and interested. Customised invitations, updates on speakers or changes to the schedule, and notes as the event date gets closer should all be sent. To make your messages more effective, divide your email list into groups based on the interests or registration state of the people on them.
  • Collaborate with influencers and partners: To attract more people to your event, join forces with influential people, experts in the field, and area businesses. They can tell their fans and networks about your event, giving it more credibility and attracting more people. To get them to support you, you could give them unique content or other benefits.
  • Implement a content strategy: Create helpful content about your event, such as blog posts, movies, webinars, or podcasts. Post this material on your website and social media to show that you are an expert in the field and to get people interested in attending. Use SEO strategies to ensure your content performs well in search engines for related keywords.

6. Engage attendees before, during, and after the event

Keeping people interested in your event throughout its entire lifecycle is critical to making the most of their experience and the effect of your event in Nigeria. Here’s how to keep people interested before, during, and after the event:

  • Before the event
  • Build excitement: Use social media, email messages, and your website to excite people. Share sneak peeks of speakers, highlights of the agenda, and unique material to get people interested.
  • Help people meet: make an app or platform for the event where people can connect ahead of time. To get people involved immediately, start discussions, present speakers, and set up times for people to meet and talk.
  • During the event
  • Interactive events: To get people involved, plan interactive events like workshops, Q&A panels, or live polls. Keep people interested and keep sessions exciting and vital.
  • Real-time Updates: Provide real-time updates through social media, event apps, or statements made on-site. Answer any questions right away to improve attendees’ experience.
  • After the event
  • Follow-up emails: Send follow-up emails to thank you. These emails should include key points, session recordings, and quizzes to collect feedback. Personalise the material based on people’s interests and how they interact with each other at the event.
  • Sustain engagement: To keep people interested, share material like recap videos, interviews with speakers, or articles after the event. Encourage attendees to stay connected and continue discussions.

7. Make use of technology

Technology in your event marketing can significantly improve your reach, involvement, and attendees’ experience. Here are some essential ways to use technology:

  • Virtual and mixed events
  • Virtual platforms: Use virtual event platforms with live streaming, virtual networking rooms, and Q&A meetings where people can ask questions. This means that people from all over Nigeria can join from afar, making your event more accessible.
  • Hybrid event capabilities: Hold events that combine real and virtual elements. Use technology to make it easy for remote players to interact with people who are there in person, giving everyone a flexible experience that fits their needs.
  • Software for managing events
  • Registration and booking: Use powerful event management software to make the registration and booking processes go more smoothly. Make it easy for people to sign up online, pick which classes they want to attend, and receive confirmations and updates automatically.
  • Data analytics: Use analytics tools to track attendance engagement, see how registration rates are changing, and get feedback. By analyzing data, you can improve future events and make marketing plans more effective by using what you know about how people behave and what they like.
  • Mobile apps and tools for getting involved
  • Event apps: Make or use mobile apps for events with schedules, speaker profiles, location maps, and ways to network. Apps make attendees more interested by giving them personalised schedules and letting them communicate in real-time. Apps like eventmobi
  • Live polls and surveys: During sessions, use interactive tools like live polls and surveys to get prompt feedback from the crowd. This keeps people interested and gives guests and organisers helpful information.

8. Measure the event’s success

Measuring the success of your event is essential if you want to follow the best event marketing techniques in Nigeria. This step helps you determine what went well and could be done better.

  • Ask for feedback: One of the best ways to determine whether the event was a success is to get comments from attendees. You can use polls, questionnaires, or in-person conversations to assess their thoughts. Ask them specific questions about their overall experience, the quality of the information, and any ideas they have for improving things. This feedback will help you determine how well your event met people’s standards and how to improve future events.
    best practices for successful event marketing
  • Look at metrics: Analysing different data is another essential part of determining an event’s success. Check how many people showed up, how active they were on social media, and whether the event led to sales or leads. Making a note of these numbers will help you figure out how your event affected your business goals. For instance, if your goal was to get more people to know about your brand, you can track how many times it was mentioned on social media and how many new fans it got during the event.

9. Build long-term relationships

For event marketing in Nigeria to work best, you must focus on building long-term relationships. By keeping these relationships alive, you can ensure that your business and future events continue to go well.

  • Engaging with event attendees after the event: Keeping in touch with your guests after the event is essential. Send them thank-you emails to show that you appreciate their participation. Include the most important things you learned, the most memorable times, and links to more resources. This shows the people there that you appreciate them being there and want to keep giving them value.
  • Using social media: Talk to people on social media to keep the talk going. Share pictures, videos, and reviews from people who attended the event on your platforms. Get people to share their stories and include your business in the posts. This helps them remember your event and brings in new people who might be interested in your future events.

Focusing on these tips will help you make and keep long-lasting connections with your guests. This method is essential for following the best practices for event marketing in Nigeria. It will ensure that your events have a lasting effect and set you up for success.

Read Also. Tips For Balancing Work And Personal Life As A Nigerian Entrepreneur


In conclusion, knowing the best practices for successful event marketing in Nigeria can help your business succeed and be seen by more people. Knowing your audience, having clear goals, and using technology can help you create exciting events with lasting effects. Remember that the key to long-term success is building lasting ties with your event attendees and tracking how well your event is doing.

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