How Do I Handle Customer Inquiries Professionally in Nigeria

  • Reading time:25 mins read

In today’s competitive business world, knowing how to handle customer inquiries professionally is essential. In Nigeria, good customer service can make or break your business. Answering questions quickly and professionally builds your image and trust. The tips in this article will help you answer customer questions professionally, ensuring your customers feel meaningful and happy with the experience. We’ll review everything you need to know to be an excellent customer service rep in Nigeria, from handling different questions to using technology to your advantage.

Understand what customers want.

Before you can answer customer questions correctly, you need to know the different kinds of questions that could be sent to you. People can contact you with various questions and issues, each requiring a different response. Here are some usual types of questions and how to answer them: right

  1. Requests for product Information: People always look for details about your goods or services. They may want to know about features, price, availability, or technical information. To answer these questions correctly, make sure you know everything there is to know about what you’re selling. Give them clear and correct information, and be ready to give them extra tools like brochures or website links to find out more.
  2. Service requests: Questions about installation, upkeep, or repairs can be part of service requests. To handle these well, you should set up a streamlined method. Point the customer in the right direction or give them clear advice on how to get the help they need. Set up service dates immediately and follow up to ensure the customer is happy.
  3. Gripes and Problems: Dealing with issues needs to be sensitive and professional. Actively listen to understand what the person is saying entirely. Say sorry for any trouble this may have caused and offer an answer. Ensure the customer feels heard and respected, whether they want a refund, a replacement, or more information.
  4. Concerns about billing and your account: When people ask about payment or account information, it must be handled carefully and privately. Ensure you have the information you need to answer these questions correctly. Clearly explain the fees and give customers instructions on handling their accounts or fixing billing problems.
  5. Feedback and suggestions: Customers can offer opinions or ideas for improving things. Showing that you value their opinion will encourage this kind of participation. Note what they said and consider implementing good ideas. This will enhance your business and show people you care about their thoughts.
  6. Requests for delivery and order status: Customers often want to know what’s happening with their packages or orders. You should set up a sound-tracking system to handle these questions correctly. Give them accurate and up-to-date information on the state of their order and when it should arrive. If there are any delays, you should inform people beforehand and offer answers.
  7. Channels for getting questions: Customers can contact you in several ways, such as by phone, email, social media, or in person. Ensure you can answer questions professionally and consistently on all these sites. Your team should be taught how to use each channel well and keep their customer service method consistent.

Getting your team trained and ready

It’s essential to train and equip your team so they can answer customer questions correctly. A well-trained team can quickly and effectively meet customer wants, which will make a good impression on them. To make sure your team is ready, follow these essential steps:

  1. Train everyone thoroughly: Start by giving your employees a complete training programme that covers every part of customer service. This should include product understanding, how to talk to people, and how to solve problems. Make sure your team knows how to deal with all kinds of questions and concerns, from people wanting to learn more about your products to people who wish to complain. Training sessions help everyone stay updated on the latest business policies and ways of doing things.
  2. Learn Important Skills: Improve some essential skills needed for good customer service. One of these skills is Communication: Teach your team how to talk and listen properly. Communicating well helps you understand your customers’ wants and give them the correct information.
  3. Care: Tell your team to understand and show care. Customers like it when you listen to them and solve their problems. Solving Problems: Teach your team how to solve problems. They need to think quickly and solve problems effectively for customers.
  4. Get the right tools: Give your team the tools to answer customer questions professionally. This includes having access to a robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that helps keep track of contacts with customers and puts valuable data at their fingertips. Some other tools could be information bases, frequently asked questions (FAQ) databases, and communication platforms that make it easier to give answers.
  5. Create an environment that helps others: Make the workplace safe where people can ask for help and discuss their experiences. Encourage your team to work together and share what they know. This can be made more accessible by having regular team meetings or a private messaging system where team members can discuss and solve customer service problems.
  6. Give ongoing help and feedback: For customer service to stay at a high level, it needs constant help and feedback. Give regular performance comments, pointing out what went well and what could be done better. Encourage an open-door strategy so team members can get help and advice whenever needed.
  7. Encourage professional growth: Help your team grow professionally by giving them chances to get more training and certification in customer service. This will make them more competent and motivated and help them feel better about their skills. Reward and recognise their hard work to keep them motivated and dedicated to providing excellent service.
  8. Set up clear rules and guidelines: Establish clear rules and procedures for answering customer questions. This includes standard answers to common questions, ways to raise more complicated problems, and regulations for staying professional. Clear rules ensure that your team’s contacts with customers are consistent and high-quality.

Setting up clear rules for communication

To answer customer questions correctly, you need to set clear rules for how to talk to them. If you respond the same way to every customer, no matter who they talk to, they will all get the same high level of care. Setting up good ways for your team to talk to each other is easy:

  1. Make answers to common questions the same: Make a library of standard answers to questions that customers often ask. This can include templates for commonly asked questions, information about the product, and easy steps to fix problems. By giving your team answers that have already been accepted, you can be sure that the information they provide is consistent and correct.
  2. Use simple, straightforward language: Tell your team to use precise, concise wording when they talk to customers. Refrain from using language or hard-to-understand words that could confuse people. Clear, straightforward communication helps solve problems quickly and makes customers feel like they are being heard and appreciated.
  3. Keep a businesslike tone: Your team should be taught always to be polite and efficient when talking to customers. Replying to emails, social media, or the phone should always be courteous and friendly. This level of professionalism makes your customers believe you and like you more.
  4. Set up consistent ways to greet and end conversations: Set standards for how your team greets customers and ends talks with them. To start, this could be a simple, polite hello. It could be a thank you or a call to reconnect. Using the same greetings and closings every time helps your brand look more professional and makes conversations feel more personal.
  5. Encourage people to listen actively. Active listening is an integral part of answering customer questions skillfully. Your team should learn to pay close attention to what the customer says, repeat essential points to ensure they understand, and ask follow-up questions if needed. This helps you give correct answers and shows people that your problems are being considered.
  6. Set up clear paths for escalation: Customer questions may sometimes need help from other teams or people higher up in the company. Set up straightforward ways for these kinds of problems to get worse. Ensure your team knows exactly who to talk to and how to quickly and effectively address an issue so customers don’t have to wait.
  7. Using documents together: Tell your team to use your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to keep track of all customer contacts. Keeps detailed records that help you remember what happened with a customer and set the stage for future meetings. This documentation is necessary to keep things going smoothly and ensure that people don’t have to repeat the same things if they call you again.
  8. Give training and updates regularly: Communication methods should be reviewed often and improved. Your team should receive regular training to stay current on procedure changes or new best practices. If they receive updates regularly, they can always handle customer questions properly.

Responding quickly and correctly

To answer customer questions professionally, you must do so quickly and correctly. Customers will know you value their time and want to solve their problems quickly if you respond promptly and accurately. Here’s how to make sure your answers are correct and sent on time:

  1. Put prompt responses first: Customers like it when their questions are answered quickly. Respond within a few hours or at least the same working day. This shows that you are paying attention and want to give excellent service. Set up a way to monitor and handle new questions so everything gets noticed.
  2. Take a planned approach: Set up your process so that you can handle questions quickly. Track customer requests and decide which ones to handle first with a reporting system or a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. This makes it easier to handle many questions and ensures that each one is answered quickly.
  3. Give correct Information: You need to be fast and accurate simultaneously. Make sure your answers are correct and complete with information. If you need more clarification, recheck the facts before answering. It’s better to give the correct answer after a short wait than to immediately provide wrong or incomplete information.
  4. Train your team: Give everyone full training on your products, services, and business rules. This will help them give correct answers to customers’ questions. Everyone should regularly attend training classes to stay updated on changes and new information.
  5. Recheck your answers: Tell your team to recheck their answers before they send them. This helps find any mistakes or missing information and ensures the information is correct and complete. Extra time spent reviewing can help clear any confusion and make customers happier.
  6. Take care of unfinished business: If you can’t answer a customer’s question right away, let them know you’re working on it and give them an idea of when they can expect a solution. Do what you said you would and let the customer know how things are going. This lets them know you want to solve their problem and appreciate their patience.
  7. Use simple, straightforward language: Talk to people clearly and concisely. Only use slang or specialised terms that the customer might understand. Clear, simple words can help people understand and value your words.
  8. Make your answers unique: Personalise your answers whenever you can. Use the customer’s name and the exact question or problem. Talking to customers specifically will make them feel more valued and connected to your brand.
  9. When it makes sense, automate: You can use automated replies for quick answers to common questions. However, these computerised messages should be ensured to be correct and allow people to talk to a natural person if their problem is more complicated.
  10. Look over and improve things: Check your reaction times and accuracy rates often. Get customer comments to find ways to improve. Continuously enhancing your methods will help you keep your customer service standards high.

Making use of technology

To answer customer questions correctly, you need to use technology. The proper methods and tools can help you streamline your work, speed up your responses, and improve the customer experience. Here are some excellent ways to use technology to handle customer questions:

  1. Set up a CRM system: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a great way to track customer contacts. It keeps detailed customer history records and lets you track questions and answers. With this knowledge, you can give better, more personalised service.
  2. Use automated responses for frequently asked questions. Automated answers can be beneficial for questions that are asked frequently. Create a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page on your website and use robots to answer common questions immediately. This saves time and ensures that customers get the correct information quickly.
  3. Add live chat to your website: Live chat provides real-time help for your customers. If you add live chat to your website, customers can contact you immediately with questions, significantly improving reaction times and customer satisfaction.
  4. Use tools for social media: Many people use social media to talk about problems or ask questions. You can monitor questions on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and answer them with social media management tools. These tools help you keep things in order and ensure you answer all of your customers’ questions.
  5. Systems for managing emails: Email is still a common way for customers to ask questions. Email management tools make it easy to quickly sort, prioritise, and answer emails. Features like automated sorting and pre-written answers can help handle many questions and keep communication going swiftly.
  6. Accept AI and chatbots: Bots and artificial intelligence (AI) can do simple, repetitive jobs so your team can focus on more complicated questions. AI-driven chatbots can answer right away, walk customers through troubleshooting steps, and even bring problems to the attention of real people if needed.
  7. Use software for a help desk: Help desk software can make your customer service easier by giving you a single place to keep track of and handle customer questions. Ticketing systems, information bases, and reporting tools ensure that questions are answered quickly and correctly.
  8. Use analytics and reporting tools: Analytics and data tools can help you learn much about how well your customer service is doing. Monitor metrics like reaction times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction scores to find areas for improvement. Based on this information, make intelligent choices and improve your customer service strategy.
  9. Accessibility on Mobiles: Make sure your customer service tools can be used on phones. This lets your team quickly answer questions, even when out and about. Mobile mobility ensures that you can always provide excellent service and respond quickly.
  10. Technology training all the time: give your team regular training to ensure they are knowledgeable about the latest tools and technology and comfortable using them. Knowing how to use technology makes your team more productive and helps them answer customer questions professionally.

Taking care of challenging or complicated inquiries

Dealing with tough or complicated questions is essential to customer service management. As Nigerian business owners, you need to be ready to handle these tricky situations with care and respect. Here are some skilled ways to answer customer questions, even if they are complex or complicated:

  1. Hold your cool and carry on: Staying calm and collected when questioned is essential. Some customers may be angry or annoyed, and keeping calm can help calm things down. Take a deep breath, pay close attention, and don’t defend yourself.
  2. Pay attention: To fully understand the customer’s problem, you must listen actively. Let them talk about their worries without stopping them. Recognise their feelings and review essential points to ensure you understand their problem correctly. This shows that you care.
  3. Ask questions to get clear: Sometimes, more knowledge is needed to answer complicated questions correctly. Ask many questions to get a complete picture of the problem. This shows you are serious about finding an answer and ensuring all details are noticed.
  4. Offer reassurance: Tell the person you’re here to help and care about what they say. Saying something like, “I understand your worry, and I’m here to help you,” can help the person feel better and build trust.
  5. When needed, raise the stakes: If the question is too hard for you to answer or needs help from someone else in the company, don’t hesitate to escalate it. Ensure you have a straightforward way to proceed and let the customer know what will happen next. In this case, “I must consult our technical team to resolve this issue. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”
  6. Keep the customer up to date: Throughout the resolution process, keep the customer informed about the state of their question. Give updates on any work done and estimate when the problem will be solved. Being honest with customers helps you control their expectations and keep them from getting angry.
  7. Give real-world answers: When answering complicated questions, give answers that can be used immediately. If an answer can’t be found immediately, offer alternatives or short-term fixes. Let’s say, “While we work on a permanent solution, here’s what we can do in the meantime.”
  8. Follow up: After the problem has been fixed, check in with the customer to ensure they are happy with the result. A simple follow-up message shows that you are interested in how they feel and want to give them excellent service.
  9. Write down the inquiry: Keep careful records of the investigation and the steps to solve it. This documentation can be used as a future guide and help you find problems that keep happening and need more extensive answers.
  10. Learn and get better: Use complex or complicated questions as opportunities to learn. Examine what happened to see if there are any holes in your processes or areas for improvement. Make changes to prevent problems like this and improve your customer service.

How to get and use customer feedback

Getting and using customer comments well to answer questions professionally is essential. Feedback is helpful because it tells you about your customers’ experiences and helps you determine what you can do better. Here’s how to get customer feedback and use it to make your business better:

Handle Customer Inquiries Professionally

  1. Ask for Feedback: Encourage your customers to give you comments. Once a customer’s question has been answered, ask them how their experience was and if they have any ideas for improving things. You can use polls, follow-up emails, or feedback forms to determine your thoughts. Something as simple as “How was your experience with our customer service?” can tell you a lot.
  2. Use more than one channel: Get comments from many places to reach more people. This can include polls on social media sites, emails, websites, and direct talks. By using a variety of feedback channels, you can be sure to get feedback from a broad group of customers.
  3. Pay attention to social media: Keep an eye on social media sites to see what people say about your business. Customers often share their honest views on social media, which is a great place to get feedback that hasn’t been filtered. Watch what people say as you listen to social media and figure out how they feel.
  4. Regularly look at feedback: Look over the feedback you get regularly to find themes and problems that keep coming up. Look for trends that show you how to make your service better. This study helps you decide what changes to make first and concentrate on the most critical parts of your customer service.
  5. Tell your team what you think: Tell your customer service team about the comments you get. Discuss positive feedback to reinforce good habits, and discuss bad feedback to find ways to improve. Involving your team in the feedback process creates an environment where things are always getting better.
  6. Make changes based on people’s say: Change your services, policies, and methods based on customer feedback. This shows that you value what they say, whether it’s speeding up response times, adding more product features, or training staff.
  7. Tell customers about changes: When you make changes based on what your customers have said, tell them about them. Tell them you heard what they had to say and are acting on it. Being honest builds trust and shows that you want to give excellent service.
  8. Check out the effects of the changes: Once they have been made, you should see how they affected customer happiness and the speed of service. You can check to see if the changes have worked by looking at response times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction numbers. Measuring constantly helps you improve your methods and keep service standards high.
  9. Say thanks to customers for their comments: No matter what input is provided, you should always thank the customer for it. By thanking them, you show that you value their time and ideas. A simple “Thank you for your feedback” can go a long way towards making a customer feel good.
  10. Encourage people to give feedback: Encourage people in your organisation to give and receive criticism. Customer and staff feedback should be easy for people to give and receive. A culture that welcomes comments encourages people to be open, learn, and keep getting better.

Keeping an eye on and rating performance

Monitoring and evaluating your performance often is essential to handle customer questions properly. This helps ensure your team always does their best and hits high standards. Here’s how to successfully keep an eye on and rate performance:

  1. Set clear goals for performance: Establish straightforward ways to measure how well your customer service is working. Some examples are reaction times, case resolution rates, customer satisfaction scores, and the number of questions answered. Precise data allows you to measure how well your team is doing.
  2. Check the response times: Monitor how quickly your team answers customers’ questions. Responding quickly is essential for keeping customers happy. Use tools and software to check answer times and look for any delays. Aim to answer all questions within a certain amount of time, like 24 hours.
  3. Check the Rates of Resolution: Keep track of how well your team solves customer problems. A high clearance rate means that your team is doing an excellent job of dealing with customer issues. Look at situations where problems still need to be fixed on the first try to find ways to improve things.
  4. Find Out What Customers Think: Regularly ask customers for opinions on your services. You can find out how happy your customers are with your service by sending surveys, follow-up emails, and direct comments. When you give comments, it either shows you what you’re doing well or where you need to improve.
  5. Listen to what customers say: Every so often, go back and look over recorded conversations with customers, like emails, calls, and chat logs. This helps you judge how well people are communicating and following company rules. Find places where the conversation could have been handled more properly or quickly.
  6. Do regular performance reviews: Review your customer service team’s work daily. Talk about how well people and teams are doing based on the set metrics. Give helpful comments, acknowledge accomplishments, and set goals for getting better. Reviewing your team often will help them stay inspired and on task.
  7. Use tools for analytics: Use tracking tools to learn more about how well your customer service is doing. You can get complete reports on several metrics from these tools, which can help you spot trends and areas that need more work. Making decisions based on data ensures that your changes are backed up by sound evidence.
  8. Encourage learning all the time: Encourage an attitude of always learning and getting better. Encourage your team to attend workshops, training events, and other skills improvement opportunities. Your team can answer customer questions correctly if they keep their skills current.
  9. Fill in performance gaps: Find any performance gaps and address them. This could mean giving them more tools, training, or changing how they do things. Ensuring gaps are filled quickly will help your team maintain high levels of customer service.
  10. Celebrate your wins: Celebrate the good things your team has done. Recognise the good work each person and the team has done in correctly answering customer questions. Celebrating wins raises confidence and makes people realise how important it is to provide excellent customer service.

Read Also. How Do I Handle Negative Feedback On Social Media In Nigeria


To sum up, correctly answering customer questions is essential for business success. Following the tips in this piece will help you provide better customer service and earn the trust of your customers. Take the chance to show off how excellent your company’s customer service is on our list. Sign up for your business today and join our group of happy Nigerian business owners.