How Do I Build A Strong Professional Network In Nigeria?

  • Reading time:10 mins read

Welcome to your guide on how to build a strong professional network in Nigeria. A robust professional network in Nigeria is essential because of how connected the world is now. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business owner, or a professional looking for new opportunities, making meaningful connections can open doors to many of them in Nigeria’s fast-paced business world. In this article, we’ll look at some practical tips and tricks you can use to build and maintain a solid professional network that will propel your success. Let’s get started and find out how to make a strong network in Nigeria.

Getting to know the business environment in Nigeria

You must know how business works there to build a strong professional network in Nigeria. Nigeria’s economy is diverse, with industries like technology, agriculture, and oil and gas. Before you start networking, you should learn about the cultural, social, and economic factors that affect how people do business in Nigeria.

Nigerians value personal relationships and trust in business. To build a solid professional network, you must know about current events, market trends, and regulatory changes affecting the Nigerian business environment.

To do business in Nigeria, you need to be able to adapt and understand other cultures. The Nigerian professional community has many different points of view and ways of doing things. If you understand how the Nigerian business world works, you’ll be better able to make meaningful connections and build long-lasting professional relationships.

Finding opportunities to network

To build a strong professional network in Nigeria, you must go out of your way to find networking opportunities. To do this, look into events, conferences, and workshops specific to your field. Then, use online tools like LinkedIn and professional forums to connect with people who share your interests and find potential mentors.

Local business chambers, industry associations, and networking groups often organise events to help professionals connect. Attend business luncheons, networking mixers, and workshops to meet people in your field and grow your network.

Also, social events, cultural gatherings, and community activities can be used to meet new people outside of business settings. Be willing to attend social functions, religious meetings, and volunteer opportunities, as these can be great ways to meet new people and build relationships.

By constantly looking for and participating in networking events, you’ll make yourself more known professionally and grow your network of contacts in Nigeria.

Tips for making your professional network strong

Building a strong professional network in Nigeria requires intentional work and careful planning. Here are some excellent ways to help you grow your network:

  • Attend networking events: Get involved in events, seminars, and conferences specific to your business. These are great places to meet professionals in your field and make valuable connections.
  • Use online platforms: Use social media sites like LinkedIn to connect with professionals, join relevant groups, and take part in discussions. Talk to thought leaders and people who have a lot of impact in your field to grow your network.
  • Find a mentor: Look for experienced professionals who can help you with your job. Ask them for advice and find ways to learn from their mistakes.
  • Offer value: To build relationships, you should offer value to others. Share your knowledge, help others, and take the initiative to help people in your network reach their goals. Sincere acts of support can improve professional relationships.
  • Follow up: As soon as you meet someone new, send them a personalised message thanking them for the link and suggesting ways to stay in touch. Talking to people regularly is important for keeping relationships strong.
  • Attend community events: Get involved in your community by going to social events, business forums, and cultural gatherings. These interactions can lead to unexpected networking chances and help you build a professional network with many people.
  • Be authentic: Being accurate is essential when networking. Be honest with people, show interest in them, and listen carefully. Building trust and rapport with your contacts will help you create long-lasting business relationships.

How to get past problems in professional networking

You might need help when building a robust professional network in Nigeria. Here are some of the most common issues and how to solve them:

  • Access to networking events may be limited: In Nigeria, it may take a lot of work to get to networking events, especially in some industries or regions. To get around this problem, use the internet and social media to connect with professionals in other parts of the world. You could also host or attend virtual networking events to reach more people.
  • Cultural differences: Nigeria is a culturally diverse country, and dealing with cultural differences at work can be difficult. To overcome this problem, take the time to learn and respect cultural norms and etiquette. Also, be open-minded, flexible, and willing to learn from other people’s points of view.
  • Lack of trust: There needs to be more confidence in professional relationships. This is especially true in Nigeria’s business world, where trust is highly valued. To deal with this problem, build rapport and credibility by communicating, keeping your promises, and acting honestly.
  • Language barrier: More than 500 languages are spoken in Nigeria, making networking difficult. To get around this problem, focus on speaking English, the official language of Nigeria, and learn a few basic phrases in other languages to get to know more people.
  • Limited resources: Entrepreneurs and professionals in Nigeria may not easily access resources and opportunities. To overcome this problem, look for support networks, mentorship programmes, and entrepreneurship initiatives that offer resources, guidance, and networking opportunities specific to the area.
  • Infrastructure problems: Nigeria has infrastructure problems like unreliable internet connections and power outages, making it hard to communicate and network. To deal with these problems, you should buy other communication methods, like mobile networking apps, and be ready to adjust to changing conditions.

Utilising technology for networking

In the digital world we live in now, technology is an essential part of building a solid professional network in Nigeria. Here are some excellent ways to use technology for networking:

  • Social media sites: Sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook let you connect with other professionals, join groups related to your field, and participate in discussions. You can use these sites to show off your skills, interact with peers, and grow your network beyond your current location.
  • Professional networking websites: Check out networking websites and online communities that are just for professionals in Nigeria. Sites like Naija Networking, Nigerian Professionals Network, and Nigeria Entrepreneurs Forum offer events, forums, and other tools to help you connect with people who share your interests and could work with you.
  • Networking apps: Meetup, Shapr, and Bumble Bizz are mobile networking apps that make networking easier while on the go. You can use these apps to find networking events, set up one-on-one meetings, and trade contact information with people in your field or area of interest.
  • Virtual networking events: Now that there are more networking events, it’s easier to attend them. Look for webinars, conferences, and workshops related to your industry or niche. Participate, ask questions, and follow up with other attendees to make real connections.
  • Email networking: email networking is a great way to meet new people and build relationships. Send emails to professionals you respect or want to connect with, quickly introduce yourself, and say that you’re interested in networking or working together. Personalise your messages and offer value to start meaningful conversations.
  • Online learning platforms: Use online learning platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning to get new skills and connect with experts in your field. Join study groups, participate in discussion forums, and network with other students to grow your business network.

Building and maintaining relationships

Professional strong relationships in Nigeria’s business world are essential for networking and working together. Here are some tips to help you make and keep valuable connections:

  • Being sincere and real: When you network, be sincere and honest. Want to get to know people, understand their needs, and offer help or support where you can. Being authentic is the basis of long relationships.
  • Actively listen: When you talk to someone, pay attention to what they say, ask thoughtful questions, and show that you’re interested in their experiences and points of view. Actively listening helps build connection and trust.
  • Follow up right away: After the first meeting or introduction, send a personalised message or email to thank the connection, discuss specific points from your talk, and suggest ways to stay in touch or work together more.
  • Provide value: Always look for ways to add value to your network. Share useful resources, give tips or insights, and connect people in ways that benefit both of you. This will strengthen your relationships and make you a valuable asset in your network.
  • Keep in touch: Consistency is vital for maintaining relationships. Keep in touch with your network by talking to them regularly through social media, email, or face-to-face meetings. Tell them about your accomplishments, projects, and industry news.
  • Show gratitude: Thank your network for the help, advice, or chances they give you. A simple “thank you” word or action can go a long way towards building good relationships and spreading kindness.
  • Be reliable and trustworthy: Build a reputation for reliability and trust in your network. Keep your word, promises, and things private when necessary. Reliableness builds trust with your links.

Read Also. How do I Onboard New Hires Effectively in Nigeria?


To sum up, to succeed in business in Nigeria, you must build a strong professional network. Using the tips in this article, you can make more connections and find more opportunities. Don’t miss out on valuable networking chances—register your business in our directory today and unlock endless growth opportunities in the Nigerian market. Join now and start building your network!Â