How Do I Create A Sales Plan For Your Business In Nigeria?

  • Reading time:10 mins read

A clear sales plan is essential for any business to succeed, but it’s necessary in a market as competitive and changing as Nigeria. You must create a sales plan for your business in Nigeria that will bring in money and set the company up for long-term growth. The Nigerian market offers many great possibilities but also has problems that need a unique approach.

A clear and actionable sales plan can make the difference between thriving and surviving in the market, no matter how big or small your business is. This article will walk you through the steps you need to take to create a sales plan for your business in Nigeria that fits your goals and the way the market works in Nigeria.

Get to know the Nigerian market.

You need to know a lot about the Nigerian market before you can create a sales plan for your business in Nigeria. Nigeria, the biggest economy in Africa, has a wide range of consumers with different incomes and buying habits affected by national and regional differences.

Create A Sales Plan For Your Business In Nigeria

Its economy is based on a few primary industries: oil and gas, agriculture, telecoms, and retail. However, the market is also affected by changes in buyer confidence, inflation, and the economy. Understanding these dynamics is essential for finding opportunities and risks in your sales plan.

Nigerian consumers are influenced by both old and new ways of doing things. People in cities prefer digital transactions and online shopping, but people in rural areas may still rely on face-to-face conversations and cash transactions. Cultural and regional differences also significantly impact what people like, so you must ensure your sales strategy fits the needs and habits of those you want to buy from you.

Set clear goals for sales.

Setting clear, attainable sales goals is one of the first things I must do to create a sales plan for my Nigerian business. To ensure that your sales efforts are going well, these goals should be SMART, which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Create A Sales Plan For Your Business In Nigeria

Your sales goals must be in line with your general business goals. For instance, if your business goal is to get a more significant market share in a particular area, your sales goal might be to boost sales by a certain number within a certain amount of time.

Key performance indicators, or KPIs, are essential for keeping track of how your sales goals are being met. Some of these measures could be the number of new customers you got, the average size of a deal, the rate at which leads turned into sales, and the rate at which you kept customers. Monitoring these KPIs regularly lets you see if your sales plan is working and make any necessary changes.

Figure out who you want to reach.

To create a sales plan for your business in Nigeria, you must know exactly who you’re trying to sell to. Your target crowd is the people or companies most likely to buy or use your goods or services.

Make a list of your ideal customer’s demographic and psychographic traits. Demographic traits include age, gender, income level, and location. Psychographic traits include hobbies, values, and way of life. When you know your ideal customer, you can tailor your sales approach to meet their wants and preferences.

Another critical step in finding customer segments is conducting a market study. This research can help you learn more about how customers act, what they buy, and what wants aren’t being met in the market. If you know what drives your target audience, you can make a sales plan for my Nigerian business that effectively addresses their pain points and offers solutions they value.

Come up with a unique value proposition.

It would be best to have a strong, Unique Value Proposition (UVP) to set your business apart in a crowded market. Your unique value proposition (UVP) clarifies what makes your goods or services unique and why people should buy from your business instead of others.

Start by listing the main benefits of your product or service and how they meet the wants or solve your customers’ problems. This will help you develop a robust and unique selling proposition (UVP). Your unique value proposition (UVP) should be short, clear, and in line with the beliefs and expectations of the people you want to reach.

Once you’ve developed your unique selling proposition (UVP), you should ensure that all your sales channels regularly share it. Your unique value proposition (UVP) should be central to everything you say on your website, social media, sales pitches, and marketing materials. This will help you develop a sales strategy for my Nigerian business that connects with potential customers and sets you apart.

Pick the best ways to sell

A vital part of a good sales plan is choosing the proper channels. Based on their products and the people they want to reach, businesses in Nigeria can sell through both traditional and digital channels.

Traditional sales methods include in-person sales, retail stores, and distribution networks. These can be especially useful in places with less developed digital infrastructure. However, digital sales outlets like e-commerce platforms, social media, and online marketplaces are becoming increasingly popular in cities because they can reach more people.

To create a sales plan for my Nigerian business, I must determine which sales channels work best. I consider costs, reach, and what my target audience wants. An omnichannel approach, which combines multiple platforms, can improve your customer’s experience and increase sales.

Put together a sales team.

Any sales plan that works needs a strong sales team to back it up. When making a sales plan for my Nigerian business, hiring the right people and giving them the training and tools they need to succeed is essential.

Create A Sales Plan For Your Business In Nigeria

First, list the most important traits and skills you need for your sales team. For example, you need people who can communicate well, negotiate, and solve problems. You can also give your business an edge over the competition by hiring people who know the Nigerian market and the culture well.

Once you have a team, invest in their training and growth. You should give them the information and tools they need to reasonably sell your goods or services and meet their sales goals. By providing your team with clear sales goals and rewards like bonuses or fees, you can motivate them to do their best work and achieve results.

Set up a sales process.

Setting up a transparent sales process is essential to make a sales plan that works and can be expanded for my Nigerian business. A sales process lays out the customer journey, from the first touch to the final sale. This ensures that your sales team knows what to do at every step.

Please list the most critical steps in the sales process, like finding leads, qualifying them, giving a pitch, negotiating, and closing the deal. Your sales team should be able to follow clear steps, goals, and standards for each stage.

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can help you track leads, stay in touch with customers, and make the sales process more smoothly. It gives you helpful information about how you connect with customers and lets you monitor the progress of each deal, ensuring that your sales strategy is carried out well.

Put sales strategies and tactics into action.

To create a sales plan for your business in Nigeria, you must use various marketing strategies and tactics that work for your audience.

  • Using digital marketing: Online advertising is a solid way to attract new customers and find new leads. Use search engine optimisation (SEO), email marketing, and social media to reach your target group and interact with possible customers. With digital marketing, you can track and study how well your efforts are performing, which lets you change how you do things and get better results.
  • Making connections: Building trust and long-term ties in Nigeria is critical to making sales. Through networking, you can meet possible clients, business partners, and leaders in your field, whether you do it online or in person. Go to events in your field, join professional groups, and use the contacts you already have to grow your network and get recommendations.
  • Using data and analytics: Data and data are critical when making a sales plan for my Nigerian business. By looking at sales data, how customers act, and market trends, you can make intelligent choices and change your strategy as needed. Analytics can help you find trends, improve your sales process, and guess how well sales will do in the future.

Deal with sales problems in Nigeria.

Selling in Nigeria presents problems, like an unstable economy, a lot of competition, and issues with the rules and regulations. To create a solid and flexible sales plan for my Nigerian business, I need to think about these problems ahead of time and devise ways to solve them.

For instance, when the economy is uncertain, you should focus on giving people value by highlighting quality, cost savings, or long-term benefits. To stay ahead of the competition, look at your rivals regularly.

Read Also. How Do I Network In A Virtual Environment In Nigeria?


For your business to grow and be successful in the long run, you need to create a sales plan for Nigeria. By researching the market, making clear goals, and putting together a strong sales team, you can set your business up to do well in Nigeria’s challenging market. If you keep reviewing and changing your strategy, you can stay ahead of the competition and meet your customers’ wants.

Sign up your business in our online directory today to make it even more visible and contact possible customers. To help your Nigerian business grow, ensure a solid online presence and the correct links to support your sales plan.